Meeting Baeyeon!

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Manager Nim knocked on Minji and Hanni's room door, Minji opened the door and bowed to Manager Nim, manager Nim bowed back at her and said 'Minji, please wake the girls. We have a meeting.' Minji Nodded and Manager Nim left the room.

Minji did as Manager Nim said, she said 'Hanni! wake up! We have a meeting!'

'Really? This early? It's 6:45 am' sighed Hanni

'Yes! Now lets go wake the others' Said Minji

Minji walked out of the room as Hanni followed her.

*time skip to the meeting*

'Let's start the meeting, shall we?' Asked Manager Nim and the girls nodded

'So girls, there is a new member. Kim Bae Yeon. Please greet each other.' Continued Manager Nim

'Hi! We're new jeans!'

'H-hi I'm Baeyeon.'

'Since there are 6 members now, you girls are going to have a new room plan.'

'Room 1 Minji and Hanni, Room 2  Danielle and Baeyeon, Room 3 Hyein and Haerin. Understood?' Manager Nim asked.

They nodded and leaded Baeyeon to her room

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