Hanni's Birthday

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[6:08 am]

Baeyeon snuck out of her bedroom and went into Aecha's room. 'Aecha-yah!' Baeyeon whispered. Aecha looked at her, 'It's mommy's birthday, let's go get a present for her!' Baeyeon continued. 'Sure' Aecha agreed. They got ready and went to the mall.

[8:21 am]

Hanni woke up, 'Baeyeonie-'she called, 'wait, Baeyeonie?' She was confused, so she went to Aecha's room to check if she was here. 'Aecha! Wake' she said in Aecha's room. 'Huh? Why am I alone?' Asked Hanni. 'It's my birthday! Do I have to spend my birthday alone?' She sighed.

She went downstairs and made breakfast for herself.

She went downstairs and made breakfast for herself

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She made herself some pancakes with some fruits.

When she was eating, the doorbell rang. She went to the door and saw Baeyeon and Aecha. 'What were you guys doing this early?' She scolded them. 'Buying something for the person scolding us.' Baeyeon replied. Hanni looked at them holding many bags, Dior, Chanel, Gucci stuff that. 'Well we're not giving that person because they scolded us. 'I'm sorry please give me' Hanni apologised. 'We'll think about it" Aecha said." Ok Aecha, let's go into your room" Baeyeon said. Hanni tried to peek what did they get for her, but Aecha said"Mommy, you have to wait. " "Ok..." Hanni replied.

•Opening presents•

"Aecha, Hanni." Baeyeon called them as both of them looked at Baeyeon, "I booked tickets to Kyoto." She continued. "Your home town?" Asked Hanni, "Yep.. I wanna visit my sister" Baeyeon replied. "Mommy, you have a sister?" Aecha asked. "Yes! Her name is Haeyeon." Baeyeon replied. "When are we going?" Asked Hanni. "Around easter." Answered Baeyeon. Hanni nodded and Aecha jumped around the room because it is gonna be her first time travelling.

After a while, they hung out in the living room and watched some horror movies and played some games.

•creator's note•

Sorry, that it's short. I have no motivation :/

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