Oh, I miss you love

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[Hanni and Baeyeon had a tough time and they separated for a while, Aecha is with Hanni.]

'I miss you love.' Whispered Hanni on the bed. Aecha rushed into Hanni and Baeyeon's room and said 'Mommy, I miss mommy.' 'I do too, let's go to Aunty Minji's house ok?' Replied Hanni. 'Ok...' said Aecha.

{at Minji's house}

They rang the doorbell on Minji's house and surprisingly, it wasn't Minji who opened the door. 'Who are you?' Asked Hanni, 'No, who are you?' The man replied, 'I'm Hanni and this is my daughter, we're tryna find Minji, now, who are you?' 'I'm Jaehyun, Minji's boyfriend. I am not gonna let you in.' He replied. 'Let me in you bozo!' Hanni said as she hit Jaehyun.

Minji overheard the conversation and rushed to the door. She laughed nervously and explained to Jaehyun 'chill, she's my friend. I told you about NewJeans. She's one of the former members.' 'Ohhh! Sorry for being rude.' He apologised to Hanni. 'Oh, uhm yeah sorry for hitting you.' She apologised back. 'Hi Aunty Minji!' Exclaimed Aecha, Minji smiled even brighter after she saw Aecha, 'Hey cutie!' She exclaimed, Aecha laughed, Jaehyun said 'Baby, I thought I was your cutie.' 'You always are, but she is cuter.' Minji said 'Come in'

'Here have a cup of tea.' Said Minji as she gave Hanni a cup of tea. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again, 'I'll get it!' Said Hanni. She opened the door and was surprised to see Baeyeon. She exclaimed 'Baeyeonie! I missed you!'

Aecha heard Hanni and rushed to the door, 'Mommy!!!' She exclaimed. 'Hi Aecha! Hi Hanni.' Said Baeyeon. 'Minji-ah, I'm gonna go outside with Baeyeon for a while.' Hanni called Minji, 'Okay!' Shouted Minji.

'Love, I missed you so much, why did you leave us?' Asked Hanni, 'I'm sorry baby. I was too angry so I left. I promise, I wont ever leave again.' Apologised Baeyeon, 'I love you.' Hanni said as she hugged Baeyeon, 'I love you too' whispered Baeyeon to Hanni.

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