Cold Bae

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Aecha was sneezing and coughing at home and Hanni took a blanket for her. Baeyeon came home from work, she slammed the door hardly and rushed into her room. But before she could go into her room, Hanni stopped her and asked 'Hey love! Did anything happen at work?' Baeyeon turned around and told Hanni coldly 'It's none of your buisness! Leave me alone.' And rushed into her room.

Hanni followed her into their room. Baeyeon walked into the room, and Hanni closed the door lightly. 'Hey, tell me what's wrong love.' Hanni said. 'I told you' Baeyeon said, as she continued 'It's none of your business, now LEAVE ME ALONE!!'

Hanni sighed after she said 'Okay fine, I'll leave you alone' and left the room.

She went to check on Aecha, and hugged her then said 'Mommy will cook you soup ok? Wait here.' Aecha watched videos on her ipad while waiting.

After a while, Hanni gave Aecha a bowl of soup, 'drink up darling' Hanni whispered and she went to watch TV.

{In Baeyeon's room}

Baeyeon was sitting on the bed and thought, 'Why did I yell at her? Why did I yell at her for something that she didn't do? I will go apologise to her.'

Baeyeon rushed downstairs and called 'Hanni yah!' Hanni pouted and ignored her with a cute angry face so Baeyeon walked to her and sat on the sofa with her then said 'Hanni Bae~ I'm sorry!'

'Why did you yell at me? I'm hurt.' Hanni said to Baeyeon, 'Ah~ I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled.' She apologised. Hanni looked at her and said 'Baeyeonie, I forgive you. But tell me, what happened at work?'

'Well, love... I-I-I got in a fight with someone...' Baeyeon sluttered, 'Who?' Hanni asked 'You don't have to know, it's just one of my co-workers.' Baeyeon answered.

'Well let's listen to some of our old music, it can perhaps help you reduce stress!' Hanni suggested, Baeyeon nodded as Hanni gave her a pair of airpods and played OMG.

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