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[Hanni is 23 and Baeyeon is 21, Hanni is sick]

Since Hanni is sick, Baeyeon cooked dumpling noodles with vegetables for her. 'Hanni yah~!' Baeyeon called her, 'I made you food!' She continued

'Omg!' Hanni exclaimed, 'Hanni unnie, what is it?' Asked Baeyeon, 'BAEYEONIE! I'M PREGNANT!' Exclaimed Hanni.

They both hugged and cried in happiness.

•Time skip to birth•

'Push!!' Shouted a random nurse, Baeyeon cried because she saw and heard Hanni screaming in pain, tears dropped put of her eyes.

•a few minutes later•

Hanni was on the hospital bed, holding Baeyeon's hand, when a nurse came in holding the baby.

'May I hold her?' Asked Hanni politely, the nurse nodded and passed the baby to her. 'Now, I will leave you guys alone. Congratulations on your baby!' The nurse said and closed the door.

•time skip•

They are home and they named their child Aecha.

'Ding dong!' Someone's at the door! 'Baeyeonie can you open the door please?' Asked Hanni, 'Of course love' replied Baeyeon. Baeyeon opened the door, 'Ah! You guys are here! Long time no see!' Baeyeon said with a smile. Hanni got curios and asked 'Who's here?'

Hanni rushed to the door and was surprised to see members of newjeans. 'Minji! Haerin! Danielle! Hyein!' Hanni exclaimed

They hugged and Baeyeon said 'Come in, we'll show you the baby's room' as the lead them to the room.

They hugged and Baeyeon said 'Come in, we'll show you the baby's room' as the lead them to the room

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'This is Aecha's  room, me and Hanni decorated it together' Said Baeyeon. Hyein was confused, so she asked 'Wait a second, whos Aecha again?', Hanni carried Aecha and explained 'She's this little baby, me and Baeyeonie's child.'

'Haerin, look at the baby she's so-' Danielle said to Haerin, but she noticed that Haerin was looking around the room and touching stuff already. 'Feel free to explore!' Said Baeyeon.

Hyein rushed to Hanni and begged to hold Aecha, but Hanni refused, since Hanni wanted to feel Aecha first. 'How about you come with us to make food and feed her?' Hanni suggested. 'Yes yes yes yes yes!' Hyein answer with no hesitation and followed Hanni and Baeyeon to the Kitchen.

'Wow Bae! Your kitchen is so nice' exclaimed Hyein. Baeyeon smiled at her and said 'Thanks, Hyein can you pass me the milk powder?' Hyein nodded and gave the milk powder to Baeyeon. Baeyeon made the milk and let Hanni and Hyein feed Aecha.

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