Idk what to name this chapter

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•6:48 a.m•

'Hanni, why are you up so early?' Minji asked as she walked out of the kitchen with her cup of coffee, and she continued 'You never wake up this early.'

'Well, unnie... I've been busy thinking about the pretty face of....her,' Hanni answered 'You know who'

'Me? Oh... her.' Said Minji as she took a sip of her coffee. 'Hanni, you should really confess to her before she finds someone else.' She told Hanni

'I know... but...' said Hanni, 'But what?' Asked Minji 'I'm a bit shy.. I don't know when's the right timing..' continued Hanni

'Well, have more confidence in yourself! Don't worry, you still have time!' Said minji, then she went to change

While Minji was choosing clothes to wear for the day, Hanni just sat on the bed and asked 'Unnie, do you think she likes me back?'

'Uhh, I don't know! Just ask her if she's attracted to somebody else!' Suggested Minji, 'What if she's attracted to somebody else?' Asked Hanni. 'Well, if you wanna know, then you must give it a shot' answered Minji

'Okay, I'll ask her when I'm ready.' Answered Hanni.

They went to record a song and time skip after that

" Woah Baeyeon, your vocals are really nice! You really did a great job!" Danielle said as Hanni nodded. " Hehe, thanks! It's my first time so I'm kind of nervous" Baeyeon giggled. " Now that's main vocalist material" Minji joked. "Agreed" Hyein said.

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