Protective Bae

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Three years later, Baeyeon, Hanni and Aecha went to the park. Here are their outfits ~

Hanni's outfit

Baeyeon's outfit

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Baeyeon's outfit

Baeyeon's outfit

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Aecha's outfit

'Mommy! I'm done changing! ' Aecha exclaimed from her room, 'Aww you look so cute! ' Hanni said, 'Tank yu mommy! Can we go now? ' Aecha asked, and Hanni nodded with a bright smile on her face and called Baeyeon 'Baeyeonie! Let's go~' 'Okay, coming...

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'Mommy! I'm done changing! ' Aecha exclaimed from her room, 'Aww you look so cute! ' Hanni said, 'Tank yu mommy! Can we go now? ' Aecha asked, and Hanni nodded with a bright smile on her face and called Baeyeon 'Baeyeonie! Let's go~' 'Okay, coming love! ' Baeyeon replied

•time skip•

'Baeyeonie, you can go play with Aecha first, I'll go get some snacks in the tuck shop over there.' Hanni said and Baeyeon smiled, then took Aecha to play on the swings.

'I would like one sandwich, a box of chicken nuggets, a packet of fries and two bottles of water please.' Hanni ordered. 'Okay, your total is $56.99, would you like to pay with cash or card?' The staff asked, 'Cash.' Hanni replied and payed the bill. 'Okay, your order will be ready in a minute.' The staff said. Hanni bowed politely and went to sit down on a bench.

Suddenly, a man approached her and flirted 'Hey, what is a beautiful doing here?', Hanni felt something on her hand, she looked at her hand and found out that the man was holding her hand! She quickly took her hand away and push the man a little, then yelled 'D-don't touch me! You bozo!' 'Chill, I'm not bad.' The man said calmly, 'I don't trust you! I have a girlfriend!' Hanni shouted.

Baeyeon heard what Hanni said, so she told Aecha to come with her. 'Get your hands off my beautiful.' She told the man fiercely, 'What gave you the permission to tell me what to do?' The man asked, 'Myself! I'm her girlfriend' she continued, 'And if you touch her one more time, I'm going to send you to jesus.' That man ran away immediately.

'Order number 161, please come and get your order.' The staff said. 'That's us' Hanni whispered to Baeyeon and Aecha.

•time skip•

'Alright Aecha, time to go home!' Baeyeon called Aecha. Aecha ran to her and said 'Mommy, I wanna play for I little more while' then she pouted at Baeyeon. 'We need to go home now, it's getting late, look! The sun is setting!'she said. Aecha went home with them.

•Little time skip•

(On the way home)

On the way home, Hanni was busy thinking about how Baeyeon protected her against the weird guy. 'Mommy? Why aren't you talking?' Asked Aecha, 'Oh nothing! Just thinking about how cute you are' Hanni said with a smile. Aecha smiled at her and said 'Tank yu mommy!'

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