Aecha's first day of school~

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Today is Aecha's first day of 1st grade

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Today is Aecha's first day of 1st grade. 'Wow mommy! You did a nice job with the hair! Thanks!' Aecha exclaimed, Hanni smiled and replied 'Thanks Aecha! Are you ready for your first day of school?' 'No... I wanna stay home with mommy!' Aecha replied. 'Awww, what about mommy?' Baeyeon pouted 'and mommy too!' Aecha replied quickly.

'Okay Aecha! Mommy made pancakes! Eat up!' Baeyeon exclaimed. 'Yayyy' Aecha replied

•time skip•

'Darling, the school bus is here!'Hanni said. 'Awww.... Bye mommies , I'm gonna miss you guys.' Aecha pouted, 'I'll miss you too!' Replied Hanni. Aecha pouted and walked out of the house.

'Baeyeonie' Hanni said

'Yeah?' Replied Baeyeon

'Come with me please' Hanni said

'Yeah sure' answered Baeyeon

{They went to their bedroom}

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{They went to their bedroom}

'Baeyeonie-ah!' Hanni said and smiled

'Yes Hanni-yah?' Answered Baeyeon

'Thanks for protecting me from that man yesterday!' exclaimed Hanni. 'No problem my love.' Replied Baeyeon. 'And... Baeyeonie-ah....' Hanni said but she kept sluttering. Baeyeon stared at her and Hanni finally continued her sentence 'You were so beautiful when you protected me... could you do the look again?' Hanni asked. 'Oh my love, yes I can! If you like..' Baeyeon answered. Hanni smiled and Baeyeon did that face again.

'Baeyeonie, I'm bored.' Hanni said. 'Oh you're bored?' Asked Baeyeon. 'Yeah..' Replied Hanni. Baeyeon walked behind her and hugged her in the back then kissed her on the neck softly. Hanni giggled. Then, Hanni held Baeyeon's hand while she was hugging her, then asked 'Baeyeonie? What are you doing?' 'I'm marking you, my love.' Replied Baeyeon.

•a little time skip•

'Baeyeonie, let's go and pick Aecha up from school.' Said Hanni. 'sure!' replied baeyeon.

•5 hours later•

They went to pick Aecha up in their brand new car.

Their classmates were surprised to see that Aecha's parents are the former members of NewJeans

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Their classmates were surprised to see that Aecha's parents are the former members of NewJeans. Aecha was standing in the back of the line, trying to find Hanni and Baeyeon.

After a few minutes, Aecha finally spotted Hanni and Baeyeon. 'Mommy!' Aecha exclaimed as she rushed to Hanni and Baeyeon and she hugged them. 'Aecha, how was your day at school?' Hanni asked 'It was great! We had fried dumplings with white rice on the side! The teacher was very nice too!' Aecha exclaimed.

{in the car}

'Mommy?' Aecha asked. 'Yes honey?' Baeyeon replied. 'I'm hungry... can we have some mc Donalds pleaseeeee!' Aecha asked. 'Sure! Hanni-yah! Let's go to McDonalds!' Baeyeon said. Hanni nodded and they headed to McDonalds.

•three hours later•

'DINNER IS READYY!' Baeyeon yelled from the kitchen. Hanni held Aecha's hand and rushed to the dining room.

'Wow mommy!' Aecha exclaimed 'I made sushi rolls with white rice! And also rice balls!' Baeyeon said. 'Nice job hun!' Hanni smiled and said.

•An hour later•

'Mommy!!' Aecha called Hanni, 'Yes darling?' Asked Hanni 'Can you teach me how to do yhis homework?' Asked Aecha while doing the puppy eyes. 'Yes of course!' Replied Hanni.
'Mommy! I forgot to tell you a thing.' Said Aecha. 'What is it baby?' Asked Hanni 'the teacher picked me to be the class monitor today!' Aecha exclaimed. 'Great job baby! You must behave well at school then, oh look at the time! It's time to go to bed.' Hanni said. Aecha pouted and went to bed.

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