I loved you

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•In Kyoto•

"Wow love! This house is so big!" Hanni exclaimed. "Yep, it is my old house." Baeyeon replied. "Mommy! I can't wait!" Aecha exclaimed. Baeyeon and Hanni laughed. "My sister recently adopted another dog and Cheese is still here. So, there will be two dogs." Baeyeon said. "Ooh! Doggies" Aecha said.

They rang the doorbell on the house and Haeyeon opened it holding the other dog. "Hi Hae." Baeyeon greeted her. "Hey! And they must be Hanni and Aecha, right?" Haeyeon asked. "Yep! Hanni is my wife and Aecha is our daughter." Baeyeon replied. "Oh! Come in!" Haeyeon smiled and said

"Mommy look! It's a small puppy!" Aecha exclaimed. "Yeah! It's so cute!" Hanni agreed. "She's snowball, my new puppy!" Haeyeon said. "Aww! It's so cute!" Baeyeon exclaimed. "Little one, let snowball sniff your hand first." Haeyeon said. Aecha did as said and they played for a pretty long time.

•after a while, Baeyeon is asleep•

"Hanni, I kinda like you." Haeyeon confessed "Your pretty, your kind and your very cute." "What?! No! I have a wife!" Hanni exclaimed. Haeyeon put her hand on Hanni's shoulder and kissed her on the cheeks softly. When Haeyeon kissed Hanni, Baeyeon woke up. "WHAT THE HECK? HAE? HANNI? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I LOVED YOU!" Baeyeon cried "I'm never coming back again, Aecha's coming with me." "No! I love you!" Hanni cried, but it was too late because Baeyeon stormed off and took Aecha already.

"Don't worry beautiful, you still have me." Haeyeon said. "NO! SHUT UP! I NEEDA FIND HER!" Hanni yelled. Then she rushed out of the house to catch Baeyeon.

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