Haunt her

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"Haunt her my demon!" Baeyeon summoned her demon. "Mommy, is mommy going to be hurt? I'm scared..." Aecha said. "No need to care about her." Baeyeon replied coldly. Her phone rang and she read the contact name "Hanni 💗" She picked up the phone.

•on the phone•

Hanni: Baeyeonie, please forgive me

Baeyeon: I'm truly hurt. I don't think I can forgive you.

Hanni: Please, I tried stopping your sister, but she just kept coming closer and... and kissed me

Baeyeon: I don't know if I can trust you

Hanni: Baeyeonie... Have I ever lied to you?

Baeyeon: No...

Hanni: I'm super doomed because I made you mad so you probably summoned your demon and it's gonna haunt me! Ahhh!

Baeyeon: wait! MY DEMON! I needa stop them right now!

Hanni: Oh no...

Baeyeon: Hide!!

Hanni: Ok, I'm gonna hang the call now...

•Call ended•

Hanni hid in her room and Baeyeon's demon arrived at Hanni's home.

"Hanni? Where are you? Come out here! I won't hurt you, or maybe I will hurt you like you hurt Baeyeon~" The demon said but Hanni kept silent and didn't move at all. "Oh, I know your somewhere in this house..." the demon whispered.

The demon checked downstairs first, it checked the cupboards, under the sofa and in the bathroom. But she was nowhere to be found (because she was upstairs in her room.)

This is when Hanni couldn't wait anymore. She walked down the stairs and say the demon staring at her. "Oh Hanni, you've finally come." The demon said with a smirk. "What do you want from me? Monster? Haunt me?" Hanni asked. "Maybe! You can't hide from me anyway!" The demon said as it laughed loudly. This time, Baeyeon rushed in. "Demon! Stop! It wasn't her fault! Don't haunt her! I gave you the wrong person to haunt!" She cried. "Baeyeon?" The demon was shocked to see Baeyeon come to save Hanni from it.

"But she hurt you badly! Don't you want revenge? " The demon asked. "It wasn't her! It was my sister." Baeyeon explained. The demon disappeared slowly after that.

"I'm sorry love... I couldn't controll myself again.." Baeyeon apologised with a tear. "Aw, don't cry, I love you.." Hanni hugged Baeyeon. "Let's make a promise." Hanni said "We'll never leave each other, even if we're very mad or upset. Alright?" Baeyeon nodded and hugged Hanni even tighter. "Let's go back to the hotel love." Baeyeon said as she held Hanni's hand.

• creator's note •

Hey readers! This book is sadly gonna be finished, but I will have a new book coming out soon!

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