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Hi guys! Author here!

Hope you enjoy the first chapter of my book's rewrite!



The sole continent that survived 6 quakes in history, and did not fall into the depths of Ingreda Ocean like her siblings. One of the strongest continents at it. Although having suffered such disastrous calamities for so long, it is not surprising that the continent finally broke up following the 7th and final quake.

It was divided into 6 realms. The various races claimed each of those realms. They all came to be known as the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Elven Realm, the Beast Realm, the Mythical Creature Realm and finally, the Demon Realm. Each of these realms were very much stranded and did not wish to engage in any form of connection with the other realms.

A thousand centuries later, the Demon Lord of that time decided that he wanted more power. For this, he wanted to take control of the Spirit Realm, who could make mana on their own. The demons travelled to the Elven Realm and took the surrendered elves under their wing. This greatly scared the other realms and they all came together to destroy the Demon Lord. Thus started the Battle of Terror. Many years of back-and-forth battle follows and, in the end, the Demon Lord was defeated. Seeing the destruction caused by all this, the God ended up giving two warriors: The Sun Prince, Solaris and the Moon Princess, Luna. They helped the realms get back on their own feet. They stayed in the Human Realm most of the time.

Many years later, another problem appeared in the form of a vile human mage corrupted by dark magic and along with the Demon Lord of that time. Solaris and Luna came together with the Blood Hound from Beast Realm and the other realms to destroy these two new villains. This war was fought on the Summercrest Valley, an independent island. Thus, the War came to be known as the Summercrest War.

The warriors and the realms were victorious, killing the Demon Lord and imprisoning the Dark Mage on the island. The large mana outburst from the war ended up destroying the island, closing off all possible solutions for the Dark mage to get out. To make sure the prison remains intact, the Moon princess sacrificed her life. The Sun prince took a bit of her remaining soul fragments and bestowed her power to a holder. He too bestowed his own power to the King of Imealia, the most powerful empire of the Human Realm. He also put up a barrier for all the realms expect for the Demon Realm. He also ostracised it, just in case they wage another war. After that, the sole warrior went back to his home, high above the skies.

Millions of years have passed and Cicrux have only known peace since. Imealia flourished as the powerful empire it is. The realms, except for the Demon Realm, started to have more contact with each other, and ended up having more trade relations.

In the Imealian Empire, there are many flourishing young students, engaged in magic and studies, full of hopes and dreams. For the students who wants to excel and find their talents, the emperor constructed the Ludnith Academy.

Ludnith Academy is one of the best academies in the entire Human Realm, that offers quality education to its students. If a student earns their graduation there, be it a commoner, they will get a job easier with a good salary. The school provides scholarships for those students who are financially unstable. As for others, there is an entrance exam to clear. Of course, there are nobles who use authority and money to get admission.

There are a total of 5 school years along with a freshman year. The freshman year is the first year, where all the students, with the ages of 15, start their studies. That year, the students will be exposed to all the different departments in the Ludnith Academy. And after the freshman year, the students get to choose the department they want to follow and study. There are five such sections.

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