007: DISILLUSIONMENT (Rewritten)

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Hi readers, author here! Hope you all are doing very well today. 

As you can see from the title, Lester is going to be disillusioned by 'something', I wonder what it must be...? 

Anyways, here are the  fonts used in this chapter. 

{bold + italics} = Novel Parts.

'italics' = Talking with Desiderius. 

That's about it. I hope you enjoy today's chapter!

A/N note update (13/7/2024): 

So, I have rewritten this chapter, regarding the latter half of it. Basically where Lester has that anger episode. I hope you enjoy the rewrite hehe!


Rushed footsteps echo through the hallway as the blonde boy runs towards his class. Lester throws open the door, uncaring of the noise. He gets back to class and grabs his bag, rampaging through it for the novel. He finally gets a hold of it, and opens the book, flipping through the familiar lines and finally stops at chapter 6. His hurried eyes go through the chapter again, checking every instance.

{Chris's face twists in anger at what the bully does, "You son of a bitch! How many times do you have to hurt him?!"}

{"Farrington," a low toned voice sounds in the field. Chris looks back to his friend whose eyes seem to be covered by his front bangs. Even so, there was a change in his voice, that even the arrogant Lester seems to tense slightly, "If I prove to you that I am a noble, will you leave me alone?"}

{Lester's expression turns into an arrogant smirk as he cuts off Chris, "Now, now ginger! I placed the challenge and if he cannot do it, he is just a dirty commoner in the end." Chris glares at the blond, rage in his hazel pupils.}

{Lester turns to Nicholas, who is still looking down. This makes the blond grin, assuming he scared that guy off. That makes him feel good about himself. And so, he presses the other and tries to mock him. "So, what's your answer?"}

{"I will do it."}

{The crowd goes quiet for a moment, before many reactions fill the air. Some gasp in shock, some start to get concerned for the black haired boy, some others actually feel pride because of Nicholas's courage and self respect. Even Lester's arrogance falls and lets out a meek, "Eh?" in shock.}

{Nicholas turns to the mage. He gives a deep bow of respect to him saying, "I greet the High Mage of the Shadows. I am Nicholas Carbey. And I like to spar with you, to prove my blood as that of a noble, no matter who my parents might be, to him." The aggressive glow in his eyes slips at Lester, who takes a step back, feeling a bit shaken by that. But he acts cool, clicking his tongue. His expression is still mocking, like staring at Nicholas like he is stupid.}

{The strikes rain down on the clones, but the difference in their skills start to show. After all, one is a High Mage. Yet, Nicholas remains calm and tries to look for weaknesses in the opponent's stance. He must win.}

{Of course, he is surely not going to trust Lester's word on it. That annoyance will never stop what he is doing. Nicholas does not want to be kind to someone who keeps on trying to bully him. The only reason he did not do anything was because of his own parents and the power difference. Duke Farrington and his father have some business deals going on and Nicholas does not want anything to happen to that relationship.}

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