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I am back from the grave haha. Sorry, this is not a chapter update. But it's a character chart update instead. My art style has really changed in the last few months and I wanted to re draw the characters in a better style than before. Some of them had a few changes, while one of them really changed lol.

Anyways, hope you like them!



Lester Farrington is the side villain who attains a novel about the future of his own world and also foretold his death at the hands of his eldest brother. As per the novel, Lester is seen as an egoistic, pompous brat who only cares for himself and his happiness. But other than just being hated by his school, he is also feared. He is nicknamed "Farringtons' Mad Dog." If you ask a student about him, they would say: "He is an ignorant, self centered and egoistic brat who is also know for being violent. He only cares for himself and has nothing better to do other than make a fool of himself sometimes or inflict pain on others."


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Nicholas Carbey is the original protagonist of the novel of which Lester is a part of. He was a commoner boy in the streets who was later taken in by the Carbey family after Nicholas helped them with their missing son. He had initially faced discriminations regarding his background, but as he continued to prove himself of being a capable noble with skills of intellect, physique and noble etiquette, the hostility was soon replaced with awe and admiration, along with intense jealousy. Nicholas appear cold and stoic, but not in the bad way. Rather, he is quite polite and humble, someone who can really earn your respect. He also does not care much about how others perceive him, and just sticks to himself, without really showing much of himself to the public, which makes others perceive him as mysterious and well, paired with his alluring beauty, attractive and desirable. Of course, Nicholas has many things to hide, regarding his backstory and goals.

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Abigail Gibbons is the original heroine of the novel and used to be the object of Lester's obsession and desire before he read the novel. She is a gentle beauty, who sees the good in everyone and genuinely wants to help if someone is in trouble. Given the fact that her brother died early on, it makes her the sole heiress to the dukedom. Thus, she is a very skilled person, with multiple talents. Which is another reason why she is a part of the student council. In fact, she managed to get the Vice President position in her 2nd year. Because of this, along with her kind personality, she is seen as a saint and is loved by many. She is a highly active girl, who participates in many extra curricular activities. She is humble and helpful, and takes her position seriously.

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