008: HIS FATE (Rewritten)

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Hello again, readers! I have come with another chapter! Sorry for not publishing on the correct schedule, I was pretty busy yesterday.  

Quick note: My college has started now. So I might mess up my update schedule since I am going to be busy in the weekends too. Hopefully, I won't mess up too much. I wanted to warn you in case you don't see the updates in the right order. 

Anyways, the fonts used in this chapter are:

{bold + italics} = Novel Parts. 

'italics' = Talk with Desiderius

Some other fonts will also be used for the situations which you can ignore unless specified above. So, let's get to the chapter now. 

A/N update (13/7/2024):

I wanted to rewrite some parts of this chapter like in the last chapter but because my characters love writing themselves, I lowkey rewrote this entire chapter T-T 

Anyways, hope you enjoy!


When the chiming of the nearby clock starts, Lester stops keeping his eyes closed and opens them up. What greets him are the golden designs on the canopy over his bed, that of a dragon. The embroidery is a marvel to look at. The boy ignores the noise for a moment to really look at the sight.

Then he sits up, softly stopping the clock from making more of the annoying noise. He does not move from his position after that—instead, he just looks into nothing, mind empty of thoughts. The room is silent, except for the chirping of birds from outside and the clicks of the clock, indicating how seconds are passing by.

Lester did not eat dinner last night. He did not feel hungry after all—rather, he was still pacing around, trying to come to terms with what happened. But it was like his heart had an open wound, and poking at him would just hurt even more. So he decided maybe he should ignore it that time.

Maybe that is the reason why he was unable to get a wink of sleep last night.. Which is kind of good, in the sense that he won't be getting another nightmare. He really did not want one after...

Lester bites his bottom lip as his brows dip in a frown. His olive eyes glance over to the side table. To be more specific, to the drawer. Where he had kept the book.

After what happened yesterday, he had spent some time staring at the novel. His right hand tried to open it multiple times. But he couldn't. He was...he still had not fully grasped what he had read.

Abigail rejected him.

Abigail rejected him.

An empty sigh escapes his mouth, the dull olive pupils closing for a moment. Lester's breathing is slow, his heart pacing normal, unlike how he was when he first came to the realization.

He flops back on to the bed, eyes still closed. He feels almost light in a way. As if he can...think more clearly. It makes sense, in a way. For now, Lester feels like...he can see everything more clearly.

Lester thinks. He remembers everything. How he met Abigail, how she became friends with him, how he started to love her....and now he can see moments where he started to get obsessed. How his vision started to get clouded with desire and possessiveness, until he crossed a line of no return. He remembers what happened between Abigail and him. And even between Nicholas and him. How he himself caused a lot of the problems.

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