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Hi, author here.

I wanted to clear up some things first to some of the readers who have read the previous version of my book. This book is a re-write. I have changed quick a lot from that previous version of the book. So, it might be best to forget all about what happened in that version, because I might not even include anything from that version in this novel. This is because I saw some comments which I felt was referring to the first version they read, so I wanted to clear this up in case they get confused with what is happening in this current version and the previous version. 

Here are some font usages, used in this chapter.

'italics' = Talk with Desiderius 

(bold + underline) = past incidents 

That's all I will be using today. Anyways Enjoy!


Re-entering the classroom, Lester goes to sit on his usual seat, a long bench where only he sat.

The classrooms are built in such a way that there are 3 mini floors in the room where the desks and chairs for the students were put. And the teacher's platform is also raised a bit, with a big black board, a table and a chair. On the right side are four giant windows. There are 6 rows of 5 desks and benches on each side, with 2 rows on one mini floor. In Lester's class, the 2 rows in the back on either side are vacant. The 4th row on the left side was occupied by Lester.

Hearing the whispers again, Lester glares at the students, who immediately lowered their gazes and began to do something else. Lester walks up the mini stairs and gets to his bench. He sits and lies down on the table in front of him, wanting to sleep.

The students who see this, begin to insult him again.

Lester hears them, but does not scare them like how he usually does. He is tired.

'They are just going to stop fearing you then,' A voice speaks to him. Lester sighs, 'Desiderius.' He acknowledges its presence. He sits up and glances at the students again, who immediately shuts up again.

A translucent boy is near him, with his arms crossed. He was an exact copy of Lester, except with a wilder and more animalistic glint in his eyes, his hair messed up. His clothes just consisted of a white shirt that was not even neatly tucked in. some buttons are undone, his sleeves folded up to his elbow. His lower part consisted of a pair of black pants and black boots. He was very different compared to Lester.

Lester wore a uniform consisting of a white shirt with a dark navy-blue coat which also had silver embroidery on it. Along with it is a sky-blue coat, which also had silver embroidery on it. As for his bottom part, it consisted of a pair of a black pants with a grey coloured belt and a pair of black shoes with navy blue socks. There was also a blue gem brochure decorated in silver on his coat just on top of his heart and a silver watch to go along with the uniform. Of course, the teachers would strictly tell him to not wear such wealthy accessories to school, but Lester would strictly ignore them. And thus, the teachers gave up on that.

Lester eyes Desiderius for a moment. His unruly never failed to make Lester uncomfortable, annoyed and unnerved. Especially when the other has his face. It makes him look even more disgusting.

'Seriously,' Desiderius says, not addressing the look Lester gave him because he is used to it by now, 'If you are not going to do this well, they will just make a fool out of you in the end.'

Lester just says, 'Stop being a mother.'

Desiderius raises an eyebrow at this, eyes wide open with offense and shock, 'Me?! A mother?!! That's the worst comparison I have ever heard!' Desiderius finishes giving Lester a disgusted look, to which Lester just gives a dry look, unamused.

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