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Guess who is back?

It's Me :D !!! 

First things first, Happy New Year People!! I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead!!!

Second of all, I am so sorry for not updating on December like I have promised. I had my exams ending in the first week of December, and then I got viral fever, which was so bad. I was also busy during my winter holidays because we had some tours and stuff. And then I got an intense writer's block too. 

Anyways, I would like to wish a belated Merry Christmas! Again, new year wishes to you all!!

Finally after like what, 2 months (??) we finally have an update! Also just a note, my college will be starting the day after tomorrow, so the updates will be bad at best. But I will try to get it all done on time. 

Alright! So lets get right into the chapter!!


TW: Slight Body Horror (It's not even that big, but just in case)


Volume 3 starts when Nicholas is around 19. As Nicholas had figured out that the Demon Lord was involved in most of the major incidents in the past, he had consulted the Crown Prince, Cyril. By talking it all over, the prince decided it is best that they all start to engage in more friendly relations with the other Realms and the other nations. Nicholas volunteered to go to the Elven Realm to tell them about the involvement of the Demon Lord and the possibility of another great war. Abigail also went with him.

Speaking of Abigail and Nicholas, they are both pinning for each other at this time. Times spent together during tough times along with the growing knowledge of each other and the partnership and compatibility they have together had made them see the future with each other.

Elven Realm has always secluded themselves from the outside world, except for trade and relations which is done by their royally selected ambassadors. This was due to the horrors they have faced during the Wars and they do not wish to engage with the outside world because of that. But at the same time, their royal prowess cannot be taken lightly. Not wanting to have another fate like they had, they have always been training their army for war.

To them, remaining active at face of peace is much better than remaining active at the face of chaos.

During their stay, Nicholas and Abigail are informed of some disturbances in the nearby islands. These islands have always been outside the protection barrier and not many have ventured out there. Nicholas and Abigail decide to investigate it. And after necessary preparation, they go to those islands, with some other elven soldiers.

After searching around, they discovered the making of an inscription. Long story short, it is a trap and they are ambushed. Due to the unexpectedness, Nicholas and Abigail are caught completely off guard and unfortunately, the ambushers over power and knock them out.

When Nicholas wakes up, it is revealed that they are kidnapped by demons and under house arrest in a prison cell. Abigail is nowhere to be seen. After doing so, they meet the Royal family of the Demon Realm. And the Demon Lord, Zorenik.

The reason as to why the Demon Lord did all of those things in the last two volumes are finally revealed. It is all centered around Nicholas and his real parents.

Nicholas's father is a demon. Not any demon, but the former Demon Lord, Zorenik's brother, Algrorik. He met Eudora when he was having a wander outside the Demon Realm on the abandoned islands. Time passed and they fell in love with each other and had Nicholas.

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