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Hi readers, author here!!

Hope you enjoy today's chapter!! Also there is a form of font used in this chapter.

{Bold+italics} = Original novel parts


Lester wakes up at 6 in the morning, to Norman's call. Norman pours him some tea and gives it to him in bed, which Lester takes and drinks. The butler goes over to the wardrobe and takes out the ironed uniform. It consists of a white shirt with a dark navy-blue coat, which also has silver embroidery on it. Along with it is a sky-blue tie with darker blue strips. As for his bottom part, it consists of a pair of black pants with a grey coloured belt and a pair of black shoes with navy blue socks.

"Prepare my bath," Lester orders the servant, who bows and leaves. Lester, who is done with the tea, walks out of the bed and washes his face in the bowl of water provided on the table. As he dries his face, his eyes fall on one particular thing. A book.

'I don't remember putting a book on my bed's side table.' Lester thinks as he frowns in confusion. After a moment, he takes up the book and examines the cover.

{Survival of the Necromancer}

Lester frowns in confusion. He does not remember taking any novels to read. He looks around the novel. There is nothing else written on the cover other than the title.

Lester sits down on the bed. He opens the book. Inside was a note. A summary.

{Having lost everything, he was not restrained by anything anymore. His whole life will now be dedicated to vengeance. He will not back down anymore. Nicholas will never repeat the same mistakes ever again. With his poisonous ability, he will march forward and make them pay.}

Lester hums, getting ready to read. He has no recognition of this novel, but maybe if he read the novel, he might remember? He looks through the content page and sees that there are three volumes.

{Vol 1: The Ludnith Academy}

{Vol 2: The Wandering Team}

{Vol 3: The Demonic War}

'Ludnith Academy?' Lester frowns. That's his own academy.

Why did the author—whoever that is— not use a fictional academy for their story? Lester leaves that question off his mind, after all, not everyone is great at naming.

Lester goes to the prologue of the first volume.

{'His lungs were on fire when he slowly started to understand and register what was happening. His feet throbbed in the same time interval. His body was heating up, his arms felt like they were about to be ripped off. There was a feeling of chilling wind splashing all over his body every time his feet throbbed. As he finally pieced it all together, he realizes that he was running.'}

{'He fastened his pace even more, not looking back. He knew that if he did, he cannot escape. Even he wanted to be by his family's and friends' side accepting whatever fate bestowed upon them, together. But that would just hurt his loved ones even more, after all that effort they took to aid his escape and freedom. He still ran, but froze when he heard one specific scream. That voice...}

{But he continues on running, tears running down in pain, fear and guilt, that he was leaving everyone to their deaths. Even his 5-year-old sister, whose scream was the only thing he heard last of her. Because he knew if he stopped here, he would betray all their risk-filled efforts. He ran and ran, his young heart hardening with each passing second, and the hidden fire was slowly being formed from the sparkle that formed the moment he was restrained.}

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