010: THE REALIZATION (Rewritten)

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Apologizes for not updating on schedule. I was busy with college (notes making, speech and stuff like that (T_T) ) And then I got sick some days ago. Because of that I missed a college function, which was amazing and I wish I went. But at the same time, the sickness was really a pain. I am feeling better now, although the coughing is still there. I will also be extra busy for the next few days, so I am not too sure about the updates. But I will do my best to stay on schedule again!

The fonts used in this chapter are:

{bold + italics} = Novel Parts.

(bold) = Magic ability name

'italics' = Talking with Desiderius

(bold+ underline) = Past Incidents. 

There will be other uses of fonts for emphasis on the scenes. 

So, as you have seen on the chapter title, Lester is going to realize something. What might it be, heheheheh!

Anyways, hope you enjoy the update!

Update (14/7/2024):

Changed just the first parts of the chapter. Some nice Lester-Desiderius banter. 


Lester is able to get some sleep that night—thanks to the sleeping pills, although surprisingly no nightmares this time—and just like always, gets up at 6, baths and dresses up for school. He finishes his breakfast at 8.30 am. He reaches school at 9.00 am and goes to his class.

Because of the 1 Year Mage Training Session, the last two periods will be taken up for this training, and attending this session is mandatory. According to his father, that is.

The first class is potions. Lester made a mistake of not checking the classes again and he was not able to run off before the tutor came in. As the tutor ranted about the importance of Glowing Tulsi as a base, Lester was more interested in coaxing Desiderius back.

'Desiderius?' Lester calls, but the being keeps looking away. 'Seriously?' Lester deadpans, but the translucent boy still keeps up the attitude.

'Look, sorry?' Lester tries again, even apologizing, 'I am sorry for saying I hate you...?' Desiderius still does not look at him.

'I didn't mean it.' Lester says, almost whining, 'I was in shock, ok?'

'Yeah sure.' Desiderius huffs, and then goes back to ignoring Lester.

'Ugh.' Lester rubs his forehead. Not the first time Desiderius has given him this attitude to be honest, but this is so annoying.

Lester is so tired.

He is so done.

He wants to read the rest of the book.

He wants to throw acid at the potions tutor.

Thankfully, a peon comes into the class with a letter from the principal for the tutor. The tutor takes the letter, opens it, reads it, and then goes full pale, before rushing out of the classroom. Lester was curious about what the principal wrote in that letter, but at the same time, he did not really care since its not his priority.

Either way, this lack of authority in the class roughly translated to as it being a free period, and so many students started talking and laughing out loud, some of them leaving for the washroom and some rushing to the cafeteria for a quick mid period snack break. Lester huffs, before taking his bag and silently leaving the classroom. He does not plan on returning to class like the rest anyways. 

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