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Hello again, readers!

Author here. Hope you enjoy today's update too! 

Here is the type of font I will be using in this chapter:

{bold + italics} = Original novel parts

'italics' = Desiderius' dialogues

Alright, Enjoy!


Just like Lester predicted—

"How dare you be late today?! Do you think this is your father's property to come and go whenever you like?!"

His home tutor is currently scolding him.

'Stop spitting at my face, you bug eyed bitch.' Lester thinks as he keeps his annoyed face on, leaning on one leg and his right hand on his hips. He also checks his nails from time to time.

The home tutor gets pissed off even more.

"You! Listen and look when an elder is speaking!" He shouts as he points accusingly at Lester. Lester does look, from the corner of his eyes, with a very irritated and cold glint in his eyes.

The home tutor shudders at this for a moment. It was a hostile glance, not a glare, but a glance, showing off how Lester does not even consider him worthy to be glared up on. The older man shakes off the sudden quiver of his heart.

He clears his throat and then says, "I should be giving you a punishment already. But there is going to be a 1-Year Mage Training session conducted by the higher-ranking mages from the Mage Realm so I will let you off now." The tutor's gaze turns colder and more authoritative, "Don't go mess up our school's reputation." But to Lester, this kind of gaze is nothing. He picks his ear and replies, "Yeah, yeah," and leaves just like that.

As Lester walks out of the teacher's room, he bumps into someone. Lester snaps his head to look at who it was and he glares hard at the person. Nicholas Carbey, the guy Lester truly hates to death.

"Watch where you are going, commoner!" Lester snaps. Nicholas's expression remains calm, which angers the young blond even more. The entire existence of this common blood angers him.

"I apologize for bumping into you, Farrington." Nicholas says, kneeling down on the ground. His gloved hands start to slowly pick up the books. Then, Lester steps on a notebook that Nicholas was going to take.

The black haired boy stares, before saying, "Please take your foot off the book, Farrington. I need to deliver this to the English teacher."

Lester smirks, "And if I don't?"

Nicholas sighs, "Then, I will have to tell the teacher about what you did."

Lester blinks before laughing like a menace. "Are you an idiot? Do you think you can actually threaten me with that?" He leans forward looking at Nicholas with mockery and anger, "Do you think you can actually expel me when I have my father backing me? Are you that dumb?"

Nicholas stares at Lester's face, before he looks back down to the books and starts to pick up the others, ignoring the one book under Lester's foot. The blond's eyes glow in anger, before he suddenly grabs Nicholas's face and makes him stare back at him.

"Who do you think you are to ignore me?" Lester's voice deepens with rage. Nicholas freezes at first, before his eyes slightly glint, before a smudge of threatening aura drops into his next words, "Let go off my face."

Lester smirks to himself. Nicholas does not react to whatever insults Lester spews, but he definitely reacts when the blond touches him in any way. After knowing this fact, Lester would always grab his face or hair or dig his nails into the other's wrist sometimes. Nicholas always wears gloves, so Lester would also try to twist the other's fingers slightly, although Nicholas does not let him.

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