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Hello readers, author here! 

Hope you all are doing well. Some of the fonts that are going to be used are as follows. 

{bold + italics} = Novel Parts. 

'italics' = Talk with Desiderius.

(bold) = Magic Technique Names. 

Alright that's about it. 

I am bad writing fight scenes, as you will see during the chapter. But I will write more elaborate and good ones, later on. Hope you all enjoy today's update as well!


Lester stares at the book again.

'Why is the protagonist mentioned particularly similar to Nicholas?' Lester wonders for the nth time. This is suspicious and nerve-wrecking.

'I have to read more,' Lester decides. He needs to see if this book is really about Nicholas Carbey, or all of this is just a very weirdly accurate coincidence.

And as Lester reads on, his suspicions are answered. The next chapter is about Nicholas's first day as a first year in Ludnith Academy. Here, he meets Chris, Abigail, Jude and Hamilton. Later on in the third chapter, he meets Henry and Johnathan. Johnathan, Lester's oldest brother.

Chapter 3 talks about that one session with the royal army generals, so it makes sense that Johnathan was there. Lester vividly remembers him talking to Nicholas a lot and when Lester tried to talk to him, he was put to the side and scolded for his reputation going to shit. The first ever words spoken after years of not seeing each other.

He reads the chapter and is surprised to see that Johnathan was impressed by Nicholas's swordsmanship and his ability to infuse his poison ability into his actions and even said that he will help Nicholas to sharpen those skills even more.

This chapter also introduced Lester. It showed Nicholas watching Johnathan conversing with Lester. But they did not seem to be on good terms. After the older man left, Lester glared at Nicholas before storming off. And it also showed that Nicholas knew him from freshman year too. Lester was mentioned as an 'infamous bully who loves to harm others'. And that Nicholas is usually a target of his bullying.

Well, it's not like Lester can't argue with that. It is true that Lester usually focuses his bullying act on Nicholas most of the time.

Lester goes on reading and is surprised to see that a lot of the incidents mentioned are real incidents. And most are written from Nicholas's point of view. One major surprise is how Lester realizes Nicholas is rather a very angry person. Not as much, but he does get annoyed easily. Which is a surprise since Nicholas always appeared to be nice, generous and calm. Of course, Lester knew better. After all, Nicholas showed him his true character that time when he turned Lester down. But he did not think that anger was a personality trait of his too.

Lester continues to read the other chapters. His presence does get mentioned at times, where he just acts like any other one-dimensional bully, which is in a way, good for Lester because that means his act is very strong and convincing. He is surprised to see that Nicholas does not react because he thinks Lester will stop if he appears uninteresting. But internally, Nicholas despises Lester. Which does not shock Lester much, but it does surprise him, since Lester always thought Nicholas did not concern himself with his antics.

And not to mention, the insults the author used to describe him. They were.... Lester just sighs.

Seriously? 'Algae-eyed slob'? Even Lester could throw a better insult than that. This is too soft for a person like him.

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