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Hello again readers! 

I hope you all have been well. The new update is here. Hope you enjoy this chapter! 


The classes end at 4.30 pm and Lester goes back home in his carriage. Of course, not before leaving a small bouquet of daisies just for Abigail at the student council mailbox anonymously. Abigail loves daisies a lot.

The carriage back home is silent. As for his brother and sister who are still at school, they usually take one carriage of their own. Lester hates loud noises so he takes a separate one for himself. His oldest brother was not happy about it, but Lester remained adamant on his demand so here he is.

He reaches home at 5 pm. He is greeted by his butler, Norman Maynard. A young man in his early 30s, with long straight white hair that he usually keeps in a ponytail. He is very stoic and expressionless, but very good at his job. He has the ability to deduce anything from just the atmosphere of the room and so, Lester never really hated him like the other servants, who all just shrank into the walls and corners if they ever got a sight of him.

Of course, that does not mean his presence does not displease Lester. Norman is nothing but a watchdog for Lester, prepared by his father to track his moves. The young boy had instances saying so.

"Good evening, Young Master." Norman says with a bow, to whom Lester tosses his bag. But Norman already expected this—after all, it is a routine by now—and takes the bag away without it falling to the ground. Both of them walk to Lester's room.

On the way, Lester asks, "Anything new on my schedule?"

"Nothing new, Young Master. You have a joint dinner with the family. Young Master Johnathan will be absent due to—"

Lester cuts him off with a scoff, "Of course he is. The last time he was home was last year."

Norman does not reply to it.

They soon reach Lester's room. It is a big room painted white with gray undertones and blue themes. It also had linings of gold and a big chandelier hung from the painted angels on the ceiling. Two paintings of the God's Warriors hung on the walls. The bed had the same colors of dull white and blue put to the left side of the room in the center. To the nearest left of the door, was a large shelf of books. On either side of the bed were two large windows and there was also a vase next to his bed that held some Chowder flowers. There was a small balcony in front of the door. There was a study table to the left. And then was a smaller room to the dressing table where his clothes were.

In that dressing room there is another door that holds the bathroom. There is another door in the bathroom from where the maids would enter to prepare the bath. The whole room had a professional feel to it. A touch of perfection. Quite grand for a bedroom, but his mother is very careful about status.

Norman pours down some mint tea that was prepared due his arrival. Another routine. Lester takes the cup and says, "Tell the maids to prepare my bath." He then dismisses Norman, who bows and leaves after placing his bag down on a smaller table near the door.

Lester sits down on the chair near the balcony and drinks his mint tea. Everything is quiet. The silence is so loud.

After a perfect 10 minutes, the small bell on his wall rings, signaling that the maids have prepared the bath. Lester, who is done with the tea, walks over to the bathroom.

A perfect white room, walls filled with soft blue floral patterns enter his view. A large dark blue curtain is open, showing the bathtub with steaming water. The whole area reeks of lilacs.

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