009: ACCEPTANCE (Rewritten)

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College is so stressful, I am getting tired with it (ಥ_ಥ) Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Some of the fonts used will be:

{bold + italics} = Novel Parts

Alright, now lets get into the chapter!

Update (14/7/2024): I rewrote the first few paragraphs and added some small changes in between and in the final paragraphs. Enjoy!


Lester twists and turns to the other side for the nth time, trying to find a position to fall asleep peacefully. But every position seems to feel uncomfortable for him, and he actually feels some drowsiness kicking in, unwanted thoughts make that feeling flee away.

The boy sits up, pulling the blanket away from his upper body and letting it pool in his lap. He rubs his eyes, before pinching his forehead as he sighs, leaning forward.

Insomnia might be the worst condition Lester ever faced in his life. It is annoying, especially because you already have so much work to do tomorrow and you can't fall asleep at all. He already has insomnia and now what he has read is haunting him and contributing to it.

What a mess. Lester grumbles incoherently to himself.

Now that he is finally sitting up and not trying to sleep anymore, his disloyal mind drags him back to what he had read.

Mind controlled puppet, that is what he became, leading him to become Imealia's traitor...and then, he was killed.

By Johnny.

Lester grits his teeth, tightly closing his eyes to make it stop. It does not. It all just comes back to him. And he is just left with the painful question of...why?

Why would Johnny.....to him?

Does he really....hate him?

Lester's expression droops, before he immediately shakes his head. He refuses it. He will not believe any of that. Johnny does not hate him. He is Lester's brother.

They are brothers.

If anything, it makes sense now. This novel is faux: a fake, made up story. Even if there were some things that actually happened, it could just be a coincidence. Yeah, maybe. Or the person who wrote this—a clairvoyant person—might have lost sight of the future and made this up!

In the novel, there were multiple moments which were not well written. Lester was obsessed with Abigail, yes. But he knows himself. He won't just get more obsessed with Abigail when she rejects him. He courted her for a month. A fucking month!

Lester himself knows that is not like him. Even if Lester still likes Abigail right now, he realized his mistakes when he read her rejecting him in the novel. That's what he would be doing in the novel too.

Yes. This is all just a twisted version of his fate. Lester accepts this explanation with feverish passion, while ignoring the sticky crawling thought that the woman might have made him like that.

No. He refuses to believe the novel. He is not turning into the freak in the novel, he is not getting targeted by some bitch, he is not going to imprison Abigail, he is not going to turn into a traitor ... and he is not going to get killed by Johnny.

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