Chapter 10

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"Kenan...wh-what is this?"

"Records, Nicki, records"

"Of-of 'them'?" I made an emphasis when I said them. "But, it can't be, maybe it's somebody else. No no-"

Kenan raised his hand to silence me and nodded solemnly and seriously. I was about to teach him a lesson on silencing me and all, but I bit my tongue as I was suddenly aware of the seriousness of the situation.

This was a binder full of records... Plastic records (no, not records made out of plastic, records about the plastics). It was a records of things that involved them, like fights and such. But there were no records of them being guilty in fights.

"This contains records of all they've done. The fights happened, but they were all found innocent. This binder is full of lies. Every single one, a lie. They try to cover it up or blame someone else. Majoriy of the kids know their lies. Those who don't, think they're little saints Everything in this binder, thats has been recorded and falsely accusing other people, was all them."

"How come those who know won't snitch on them?" I asked.

Kenan sighed. "The plastics- is that what we're calling them?"

I nodded.

"Yes, well the plastics are at the very top of the food chain. The rest are in the middle or lower. The plastics are the, lions, you might say. The kids in the middle are the gazelles, and the kids all the way at the bottom are grass."

"Yeah, um, sorry for interrupting you and all, but, what Science class do you take?" I questioned.

"A.P" He replied.

"And your grade is...?"


"Ah, no wonder, with all your sciency use of stuff. Continue."

Kenan shook his head and continued. "Anyway, the food chain. Plastics are the lions, middle are the gazelles, and kids at the bottom are grass. You don't see any grass or gazelles taking a bite out of the lions, do you?! That's not nature! Therefore, they don't snitch. The plastics can do what they want, so don't screw around with them."

I just sat there, my mouth gaping. This was all so complicated... I never expected this before moved.

"May I?" I gestured towards the binder.

"Uh, yeah," said Kenan.

I turned the binder facing me. I just turned pages, skimming through what they said. A whole bunch of fights apparantly started by other people, and false accusations that should have been directed by the plastics. This is horrible.

I closed the binder slowly and carefully, not wanting to damage anything. Apparantly, Kenan wad pretty attached to that binder, and I didn't want him to get mad for crinkling a page. I gave it back to him, speechless.

"Now you know",said Kenan

"Yeah..." I said, still pretty dumbfounded.

"Now, Gabe told us there's something you wanted to say about them."

I just sat there and the facial expression on my face hasn't changed. I started processing what he just said, then my eyes widened.

"Yeah, here"

I took out the little crumpled paper in my back pocket with the neat pink hand-writing.

"What's this?"

"It's her number, Taylor, you know, the head of the plastics."

Everyone gasped except for Kenan.

"You probably found it on the floor or something"

"You don't understand, Kenan, she GAVE this to me. IN HAND."

His eyes got huge. "You mean, you TALKED to them? An ACTUAL conversation?!"

"Yeah" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Well then, wow. What's it for?"

"To join them."

I thought it was impossible, but Kenan's eyes got even bigger, everyone else had huge eyes too. There was just a silence, and I saw the expression on Gabe's face change slightly. No one else noticed, they haven't known him as long as I have. He had huge eyes like everyone else, and his eyes got a little bit smaller, and they drifted off to look above my head, where the clear space is. He does this when he thinks. He just stares off into a blank space, the place he's staring at is almost always empty and clear, only sometimes is there things in the way of his vision. So he just does that for a couple seconds, maybe even a minute. And then, I see a smile come across his lips. You could barely see the smile coming, to me, its clear as day. I could almost see the gears grinding in his head.

Right now, he stared into the space above my head. And sure enough, the smile came.

It was such a nice smile... You'll never really come across a smile like that many times in your life.

"Gabe, what's goin' on, man?" asked Kenan.

"Shh!!! This is natural!" I said.

"I've got a plan sooooo epic, it might just blowwwww your minds!" Gabe said, breaking his silence. He said 'minds' while having both fingers pointing towards his head, then laughing maniacally. I was the only one that found this funny. Everyone else just stared questioningly, whereas I was practically rolling around on the floor and laughing so hard, I would need an oxygen tank. I guess it's cause I'm used to it.

"What is it?" I said with a small chuckle, still replaying his hilariously maniac laugh over and over in my head.

"Ok, here it goes".

(A/N OOOOOOOOH!!!! CLIFF HANGER!!! I need more votes and reads people, please!!!!)

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