Freedom or emptiness?

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When a thought of you crossed my mind and I did not react to it with any emotion. What do you call that, freedom or emptiness?

When my heart did not skip at the sound of your name, and I did not impulsively turn around when I caught your familiar scent. Would you call that freedom or emptiness?

You are no longer the first thing that comes to my mind when I wake up, and most certainly not the last thought of the night either, Is that freedom or emptiness?

When seeing you happy without me no longer hurts and I do not wonder if you think about me the way that I think about you. Are we going to call it freedom or emptiness?

When I no longer question the distance between us, when I no longer wonder if the love we had was real or not and your absence has become something that I am used to. Is that freedom or emptiness?

I love you with every fiber of my being but I will burry the thought of you each time it resurfaces to my mind. I will numb every emotion that is attached to you and this raises the question once more. Am I free or empty?

~Lydia Banda

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