Still I Lay Here

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Still I Lay here, feeling my weight sink into this bed more and more.

Still I Lay here, with my eyes tightly shut, my hands resting against my face, and my legs numb from the weight of being on top of each other.

Still I Lay here not moving a muscle, making sure that my body is in the same position as it was 5hours ago.

Still I Lay here not wanting to open my eyes because I know that when I finally do, the realization that you are not here will once again dawn on me like a slap to the face. It will serve as a reminder of what I have lost.

Still I Lay here, not moving a muscle and telling myself that maybe if I just stay in this position a little longer, maybe if I wait some more, I might be able to freeze time. And maybe after that time is frozen I might just exist between the past and the future, a time before you, during you, but never after you.

-Lydia Banda

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