Dear Self

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I know that I have put you through hell, and I wish I could turn back time and do right by you but unfortunately that is all but wishful thinking.

I am sorry for leading us to a dead end, I am sorry for not sticking to the plan and letting our vision become blurry along the way.

I apologize for dilapidating what we stood for. I am sorry for loving everyone except you, for taking care of everyone except you. There's no medicine for a broken heart and I wish it weren't that way.

I am sorry it took so long to see you, I am sorry it took so long to value and validate you. I am sorry it took so long to love you.

I am sorry for killing you before you even had the chance to live, I turned you into a ghost before you could even become fully human.

I am sorry for choosing others over you, because each time I did that. I stabbed you in the back and I betrayed us.

I am sorry it took breaking you to finally treasure you. I promise on everything that we have left, to lead us to the light, no matter what it takes. I promise to overcome the darkness.

Yours truly, yourself.

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