Letter to God

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Dear Lord,

Here is a letter of apology, for all the times I sinned ignorantly, I ask for forgiveness.

For all the times I knew what was wrong and right but I still chose not to follow the right path, I ask for forgiveness.
"It's just this once," I would say, "I'm only human after all," I would conclude.

For all the times I said that I would stop, that I would be better but immediately temptation came, the flesh would win again and I would be saying for all have sinned and as usual I had fallen short again. Like eve I allowed the serpent to once again deceive me, it fed on my pride and used my vices to find it's way into my life. For allowing that, Lord I ask for forgiveness.

For the times you called and I did not respond, for the days I constantly wondered why I felt so far from you. He lives in your heart they said but my heart felt so empty and void of you.

For commiting to everything else except your word, I ask for forgiveness. For caring about everything that didn't matter and not caring enough about your word which mattered the most, I ask for forgiveness.

For relating to the fool every time I read the book of proverbs and doing little to change that, I ask for forgiveness. For seeing myself as lesser and never seeing you in me, I ask for

For not forgiving myself even for the things that you forgave me for, I ask for your forgiveness. For not coming to you sooner Lord, I ask for your forgiveness.

Yours truly, this broken vessel.

~Lydia Banda.

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