Survival Of The Prettiest

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We were never the soft girls.
Instead we were loud, jumpy, and always expressed our feelings.
We were never boy pretty or shy.
We were assertive and knew exactly what we wanted but somehow always ended up with the bare minimum.

"A girl should be calm, pretty, and submissive."
But us? We laughed like hyenas, never wore make up and we were never afraid to give our opinions.

Survival of the prettiest
Unfortunately we did not meet the criteria.
"Act like a lady," they said
"But well behaved women seldom make history," we would respond.

We had big, kind hearts, wide beautiful smiles and eyes that pierced the soul.
But still it was never us they chose.

Survival of the prettiest
But we did not survive because we were nothing but ourselves.

-Lydia Banda

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