3 - identity

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"It's easy. All you have to do is keep track of who is coming into the bar. I need a list of regulars, and who meets with your boss. Shouldn't be too hard since part of your job is talking to people," Boonie said.

I get comfortable in the wooden chair, crossing my arms and legs. I lean back, staring down the men in front of me.

"Okay. What I don't understand, however, is why you are so confident that I will do what you say? What if I don't care if he finds me?"

The men, except Boonie and the masked man, look confused. They don't know who I'm talking about—seems like Boonie is the only one who knows. I'd like to keep it that way.

"He who?" Soap asks.
"That's none of your business."
"You were much nicer in the bar."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't held there against my will."
"You followed me willingly," the masked guy retorted.
"Whatever. Just get to the point, will you? I hate when people waste my time. I've heard only good things about the boss. I don't want to risk losing my job."

Boonie walks closer to me, looking very frustrated. He throws a file on the table in front of me, labeled 'top secret'. And here they are, showing it to a complete stranger.

"Go on. See what your boss is doing on the down low. This will change your perspective."

I take the file and open it. I see the boss' photo and information about him. His real name is Valentin Petrov, he's 46 years old. Apparently he's a drug lord, which is not that surprising to be honest. He definitely looks the part. I turn the page, and what I see makes me close the file. There were pictures of dead bodies, cut open with no organs. Of men and women.

"The deaths of these people are linked to your boss. He uses their bodies to transport drugs."

Oh God.

"If you know that it was him, why do this? You can just arrest him."
"Don't you think we would've done it already if that were the case?" The masked man interjected.
"That's fair. So why do you need my help, then? What's the point of me keeping track of the customers?"

Boonie walks around the table and stands in front of me. He leans on the table behind him.

"We believe he finds his victims and clients through this bar. This is a stretch, but it's worth investigating. The bar is his HQ, he does all of the work from there. Soap and Ghost have been trying to get into his list for a month now, posing as regulars, but it hasn't worked out well. He's rarely in the office."

Ghost? I'm guessing it's the masked man's name.

"Okay, why me? Why choose me for this job?"

Ghost walks over and stands next to Boonie, crossing his arms. Damn, he's a big man.

"Isn't it obvious? You're new. You don't know anything about their secret, and you're not loyal enough to them to cover for their asses."

I nod. I guess that makes sense. I let out a sigh. There's no getting out of this, is there?

"I will accept this job on the condition that you tell me your names. I feel like me not knowing who you guys are creates a power imbalance and I don't like that."

The guy with the British cap tries to say no, but Boonie cuts him off.

"What? But, sir, this is dangerous. What if she betrays us?"
"I'm right here, you know," I mumble under my breath.
"Trust me when I say she won't. She knows what would happen if she did," Boonie's eyes turn dark. I definitely know.

Boonie moves from his position and walks over to the men who have been silently observing the whole conversation and pats them on the backs.
"C'mon, boys. Introduce yourselves."
"Sergeant John MacTavish."
"...Sergeant Kyle Garrick."
"Captain John Price."

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