5 - v.m.

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Ghost and I are in my apartment, sitting on the couch. I fiddle my fingers, nervous about telling him the truth about my identity. I won't tell the whole truth, though.

"I ran away from my controlling father, who's a very influential man in the U.K. He wanted to marry me off to some snobby rich man my age to expand his power, but on the night of the engagement party I ran away," I look at Ghost, who's already looking at me, "it took a lot of planning to successfully come to the U.S. and I know you're thinking that I did it with daddy's money, but I didn't take a cent. I didn't want to be indebted to that man, nor for him to find out what I was going to do, so I worked multiple jobs to earn enough to get out of there."

Ghost hums and folds him arms, listening.

"The night you guys made the offer, that's what Price was threatening me with—to tell my dad where I am."
"How hasn't he found you already if he's so powerful?"
"I don't know, to be honest. He probably doesn't care that I'm gone considering I ruined this deal for him," I lay my head on the backrest of the couch, looking up at the ceiling. The lights from outside seep into the dimly lit room, creating a soft and calming atmosphere. The soft breathing of the man sitting next to me brought me comfort, making me close my eyes.

Shuffling of Ghost brought my attention to him—he was getting up. My eyes fly open and follow his figure.

"You're leaving already?"
"You should get some rest."
"You— you don't have any questions? You don't want to know more?"

He looks at me with his (pretty) intimidating eyes.

"No. Do you want me to?"

I stare at him. He waits patiently for my answer.

"I figured," he walks to the door and before he leaves, he says: "see you later, Y/n."

He closes the door behind him, leaving me alone on the couch. Why does my name sound so much more beautiful coming from him?

"Angel, what's on your mind? You've been sighing the whole night."

I look at Oliver, who's cleaning up.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just in a gloomy mood."

Oliver drops what he's doing and walks over to me. He takes my hand in his, looking concerned.

"You know you can talk to me, right, Angel?"

I look at his face and see nothing but genuineness. It's so hard to believe that this Oliver that I know is a fake. He has been like a father to me.

"I know, Oliver. Thank you," I take my hand away.

Our conversation was cut short by the sound of the entrance bell. No one should be coming here at this hour, we're closed.

Oliver and I look towards the door and see an unknown man that looks very rich. He has a heavy aura around him that can force anyone into submission. The man hadn't noticed us yet.
Oliver freezes next to me and whispers.

"Go to the bathroom and lock the door."

Before I could protest and ask what's happening, he ushered me away. I did as he said by locking the door and tried to listen through it.

"Mr Makarov! What a pleasant surprise," Oliver says.
"Oliver. Where is Valentin?" I assume that man that had just walked in spoke, with a thick Russian accent.
"He's away at the moment. Can I relay a message?"

I hear footsteps walk around, slowly. After a beat of silence, Makarov spoke.

"This can't wait. I need him here, now."
"No problem. I'll call him. In the mean time, you can make yourself comfortable in his office."
"My office."
"Y-yes. I'm sorry. I misspoke."

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