9 - drunk

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Simon's rejection stung, to say the least. The next coming weeks after our conversation felt empty. Both Simon and I avoided each other, besides walking side by side back to our apartments, silently.
The night we shared seems to mean more to me than it does to him. But what does it even mean to me, anyway?

John and Kyle, upon seeing my stressed state, decided to take me out for a drink. Assuming that Simon is behind my stress, he wasn't informed of the little outing.

"So, you did do something the night that bastard called?" John asks.
"Yeah, yeah," I confirm drunkenly, "we kissed." Like hell I'd tell them the details, I'd never hear the end of it.
"Pay up," Kyle holds out a hand to John.
"Y/N, do you have ten bucks?"

I take out a ten and hand it to him, and he hands it to Kyle. "I thought LT had more self-control," John mumbles disappointed.
"A man is a man," Kyle comments, putting away the newly earned money in his jeans pocket, "As much as it disgusts me to admit, Y/N is a beautiful woman," he pats my back roughly.
I swat his hands away, not really paying attention to their conversation.
"Who cares about any of that, he rejected me. All hope is lost," I hide my face in my hands.
"Hope? What exactly do you mean? I mean, you could offer him to be barely-friends with benefits," John suggests.
"No," I whine, "I don't care about that. I'm in love with him."

As soon as I say those words, I lift my head to see the reactions of my friends. Both John and Kyle look astonished. This is exactly why I hate drinking alcohol. I say all the things on my mind without thinking twice about it. Normally, I would've rejected their offer of getting hammered, but Simon did a number on my feelings.

"I didn't see that comin'," John says.
"We should've made a bet on that."

I roll my eyes. When drunk, they're even more obnoxious.

"Whatever, I don't know why I'm even trusting you guys with this," I stand up from my seat, and gasp. "You porpo— porpusef—... You got me drunk on purpose!" I exclaim, pointing an accusing finger at them.

Kyle grabs me by the forearms and sits me back down. "Don't make a scene, you idiot," he scolds me.
"Whoo! Let's get drunk!" John exclaims loudly and orders more drinks.
"You're getting awfully generous with drinks that are on my tab," Kyle scolds John, who waves him off.


"What in the bloody hell," Simon mumbles to himself, watching the scene before him unfold.

Y/N, John and Kyle, completely wasted, (screaming) singing the American anthem under the windows of their apartment.
None of them are American.

Initially, Simon had been slightly startled by the noise, thinking there are some cats fighting somewhere, but once he poked his head out the window, he saw them. His idiot teammates and their idiot friend. Now, he's standing on the steps, thinking if he should stop them or not. The actual civilian neighbors must be hearing this too if he heard it.

"LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE!" Y/N and Kyle finish the song.
"FOR SCOTLAND!" John suddenly yells after hearing the words 'free' and 'brave'.

The trio laughs, falling over each other. Simon, meanwhile, is not as amused.

"Why is she plastered?" He asks the men, who jump at his voice.
"Uh oh, pineapple," Y/N whispers loudly to the drunk duo.
"I don't even want to know. Come on, you're coming with me," Simon is about to take Y/N's hand, but she dramatically avoids him.
"Cease this at once, you fiend!" She screeches in a mock British accent.
"You're being obnoxious, come with me."
"Why should I?" She slurs.

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