4 - masks

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It had been a couple of weeks since John and Ghost's visit. During these weeks I had been doing what I was asked, or told, to do—keeping an eye on the boss' customers.
He had been in the office a total of two times, during which one time there were two men that visited his office and didn't come back. God knows what happened, and I'm not willing to look for the bodies.
Ghost and John had been visiting the bar almost every day, sometimes only one of them would come, and that would be Ghost. He always ordered the same drink, bourbon, and I never got to see him taking off his mask to drink. He was always too fast for me. We also didn't talk at all, but I did catch him staring at me a couple of times. He seems to like to stare at people. After my every shift we had been walking home together, which also lacked any conversation.

"Angel, can ya please clean the tables over there?"
"Sure thing, Oliver."

It's nearing the end of my shift, there are still some customers in the bar, including Ghost. The bar will close for the night one hour after the end of my shift, at 2AM, so there's still a lot of time for the customers to enjoy themselves.
Ghost is sitting alone stirring his cup of scotch, staring at nothing. I'm cleaning one of the tables that's pretty close to Ghost, close enough to have a conversation without raising one's voice. He notices me staring at him and I don't look away. I stick my tongue out at him and suddenly I hear a booming voice coming from boss' office. I redirect my attention to the closed door of the office, and so does Ghost. The door busts open and reveals the boss, looking quite disheveled. I notice that there is a man on the floor bleeding out, but before I could see more, the door is closed as quickly as it was opened.
Boss walks over to Oliver who is polishing some cups and whispers something to him. Oliver looks serious, which freaks me out. For the short time I had known him, he has always been jolly and had a smile on his face, so this was completely out of character for him. I glance at Ghost, who is already subtly looking at the two men.
As I look back to see what they're doing, I'm startled to see boss in front of me.

"You can go home now."

I put the rag I used to clean the table down and look at him, confused.

"Now? I still have an hour left of my shift."

Boss looks frustrated but stays calm. I notice the blood on his knuckles.

"You'll still be paid for that hour, you can go home and rest now. Thank you for today," he pats my shoulder and leaves to his office. As I stared at the door being opened and closed, I didn't see the bleeding man anymore. Did I imagine it?

Oliver was telling the customers to leave because the bar is closing earlier than usual due to an emergency. Some customers were very upset and were in turn given apology coupons for a free drink. Before Oliver could walk over to Ghost to escort him out like the others, I beat him to it.

"Let's go, Tom. I can tell you more about that thing you asked about now."

Ghost nods and we leave, not before saying goodbye to Oliver, who was now jolly again.

As we walk further away from the bar, I break the silence.

"Did you see the body?"
"I did."

So I didn't imagine it, after all.

It had started to drizzle a bit, so I hide my hands in the pockets of my jacket to keep them warm. Ghost has a hoodie on and a mask, so I'm sure he's fine, nice and warm.

"Did you see it when he went back to the office?"
"That's suspicious, right?"

Ghost hums and keeps looking ahead, seemingly lost in thought.

"I didn't like how Oliver looked when boss was talking to him."
"The Oliver you know is a persona, nothing more."

I know this, but it's still hard to accept. He has been so nice to me, like a father.

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