Chapter 19: My Little Tiger.

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I pick up my phone to text Valentina. Should I just call? I close the chat and call her instead. After I came back from my walk with Charlie, just when I was about to hit the bed, I saw the lights turn on in her bedroom. It was late, I was expecting her to be asleep by now.

I hate to admit it but I loved to watch her from here. She never noticed. I never stopped. It grew into a hobby. She read. She studied. She watered her plants. She did everything that a normal teenager would never do. No loud music, No talking to yourself in the mirror and no freaky posters of some boy band in her bedrooms! My Valentina was different.

After a minute or two when she had changed into her pyjamas, she reappeared in the window. She had something in her hand. It was a trash bag. She threw it out, turned off the lights and went to bed.

She didn't pick at first. I try again. This time she picks after two rings, "All good there?" I ask.

"Everything's perfect." She says. I know better than to think she doesn't mean it in the literal sense. She is being sarcastic.

"If you say so."

"Yes." I can tell something is wrong. 

"Leave the window open. I want to see you." I say jumping out of the window.

"Don't bother. I'm going to sleep. I need rest."

"Doesn't matter. Watching you sleep is my favourite hobby."

"He is downstairs."

"That never stopped me before."

"I'm tired."

"Then don't fight me and let me come see you."

"Leave me alone, now. Will you?" I pick up the trash bag she just threw. It's the dress she wore to the dinner last night.

"I promised to never do that, remember?" I say put it back in the trash bag and leave it there. I could collect it when on my way back.

"Caleb!" she gasps when she turns to see me. "What... I thought I had locked the window." She is on the bed. And it's dark.

"Nah... it's wide open," I tell her.

"Is something bothering you? You don't look good!" Instead of just walking up to her I take a seat at her study table. She is upset. And she needs space. I knew something was wrong and that it had to do something with him. She wouldn't tell me directly. She never did. That's one thing she was very bad at. Communication!

"You. You are bothering me." She says, "Why won't you leave me alone?"

"I can't do that." I can't see her face in the dark.

"Fine." She says and turns away from me.

We both stay like that for minutes. I know she isn't asleep because she keeps shifting as something bothers her. Is she hurt? "Honestly, I might look like a stalker watching you sleep," I say breaking the silence.

"You are stalking me while I am sleeping." She mutters.

"But you are not asleep and I'm your boyfriend."

"You won't be my boyfriend if you don't leave me alone right now."

"Are you saying you will dump me?"


"Well, you at least have to let me in that bed with you. I can't sit here all-night staring at that ass while you dump me." It wasn't my fault at all. The moonlight peeking through the window was perfect! And she was lying there wearing nothing but just her panties!

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