Chapter 20: The Game.

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"Well, she is all alone Alice," I say as we pass the cheerleaders on our way to the ground. 

"Should've thought when she ditched us for that asshole," Alice says over her shoulder.

"We are her best friends."

"Exactly! We were best friends. It's on her and not us."

"I see a few empty seats over there." Alice points out and we start making our way towards those seats through the crowd.

"Look, Val, I know you feel bad for her. But we can't do anything. She had a choice and she chose him. Do not forget that."

"People make mistakes. I know she made a mistake, but she is still our friend. As much as I hate the fact she chose him over me, I still care for her the same."

"Sorry," I apologize when I get glares from the girl, who I just stepped on. I guess the whole school is out here!

"Would you have done the same for a boy? Would you have left us, just because you were in love with him?"

Her question puts me in a tough spot. Not because I wouldn't do it for her, but, because I never thought about it. "You wouldn't?" I ask. Would I do it to Alice for Caleb if I were put in a situation like that? It was different for me. I know Caleb would never ask me to do that.

"Well, I mean, I would choose you and still fuck around with him behind your back so that I don't hurt your feelings." She says and we both laugh.

"So sweet of you. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Most of the front seats are occupied; it's the back ones that are empty. I look at the ground behind us, the cheerleaders are starting to line up at the gate. The game is about to begin. I didn't want to go to the game after what happened yesterday, but before I knew I was already dragging Alice to the ground.

After Caleb left last night, I cried. I cried my heart out. I was angry when he left. After an hour or two of crying, I was upset. And after I had the time to think about everything, I realized it wasn't his mistake. In the morning I was defending his actions. And now, here I was standing in the stands, just like he asked, cheering for him.



"I know Naomi was wrong. But can we just tell her about Jake?" Alice stops in the middle and turns towards me. I let two girls pass in between us before I get to her and continue, "I'm just saying, we don't have to be friends with her now, but I don't want her to get hurt if she finds out later somehow. It's better if it's coming from us than her finding out."

"Jesus!" she squeezes both her eyes and rubs them with her fingers before talking to me, "You are unbelievable. Val, can't you just see what are you suggesting?" That we should warn our friend what her boyfriend is doing behind her back. Because that's what good friends do? "Okay, hear me out," She adds before pulling me to the side.

"Telling her about Jake is bullshit because I know her more than you do. She will take the information and go south about it, and Jake will use this as an opportunity to put more distance between us than there already is."


She interrupts, "Honey, She is blinded by his love. She won't believe a word that comes out of your mouth." A loud noise which resembles a gunshot fills the air, followed by the crowd shouting at their highest. When did the game begin? Damn it!

We watch the game from where we are standing. I look at the seats we were heading to, they are not far from here and they are still unoccupied. But I don't say anything and continue to watch the game. I try to spot Caleb, and my eyes finally land on him.

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