memorize (pt 1)

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In which doug memorizes every little thing (WARNING intersex) 

Third Person Pov 

Doug and kevin had known each other for fifteen years and had been now dating for almost five years. Doug had been in love with kevin his whole life not on any cory and topanaga crap but they two had known each other since they were kids and had began to fall in love with each other. 

Kevin in doug's eyes was perfect everything about him was. Doug even took the time to memorize every little thing about kevin or just admire his features. He loved kevin's eyes that would look deep in his soul, the eyes that made his heart race and said so much that words could never. 

He loved Kevin's light skin that had scars and tattoos that told so many stories. His favorite being the tattoo on kevin's hand. He would use that hand to caress his cheek, grab his chin to make them look each other in the eye, caress his body and sometimes smack his bottom set of lips when they got intimate. 

He also grew addicted to kevin's lips. He would sometimes trace over them with his finger at night, they were the same lips that stole his first kiss, would kiss his cheek sweetly to make him feel better when he was upset or just to show affection and would look so pretty and glossy when covered in his juices. 

He also loved kevin's hair mainly because he had been there to see how well kevin had taken care of it all these years, he loved to play in his hair to help him sleep at night and to run his hands through it during a make out session. He loved to memorize so he could always feel like he was in the moment. 

He also loved kevin's 11 inch that felt so good when inside of him, would feel so good when in his mouth and was what stole his virginity. He won't ever forget how good it felt or how kevin was so gentle with him. He trusted kevin more than anybody in the world and was glad kevin was the one to take it from him. 

He also loved kevin's fingers that felt so good when on his skin and how the tips of them when going up his body sent a shiver down his spine. "I love you kay kay" Doug says before attempting to kiss kevin's cheek but kevin moved his head making their lips touch. Kevin kissed doug with tons of passion. 

Doug kissed back feeling content loving the taste of mint and vanilla. That was another thing he'd always remember. Kevin pulled away and pecked doug's lips four time before smiling sweetly. "I love you to baby boy" Kevin says with nothing but love in his eyes. 

Alright you guys ion know what this was before here ya go part 2 will be in kevin's point of view 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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