the agreement (pt 2)

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In which feelings are finally let out (final part) 

Third Person Pov 

The two males laid on kevin's bed kissing each other passionately. Doug's heart kept skipping beats and he began to think. How long would him and kevin be like this before kevin found somebody? Doug would be sitting back with a broken heart and looking dumb because he stayed. 

He allowed himself to stay and continue to fall simply because he couldn't let this feeling go. He wanted to continue to feel every touch and kiss but at what cost. He couldn't keep doing this to himself he had to say something even if it meant losing all of this. Kevin pulled away and caressed doug's cheek. 

"You so pretty baby boy" kevin says studying doug's features. It was moment like these where kevin pushed his pride to the side and let his love for his best friend show. He remembers how he used to admiring doug from afar. He loves doug's eyes that sparkled when he was happy and his smile. 

His smile could light up a room. He however quickly snapped out of it and kissed his best friend's cheek and smiled once he saw his friends cheek's start to turn red. "Kay kay i can't do this anymore" Doug says. "Why? What's wrong?" Kevin asks giving doug his undivided attention. 

"It's just-" Doug starts before cutting himself off nervous on how his friend would react. "I know we made this agreement but i love you and have for a long time. I would have said something earlier but i didn't want this to end and i was scared on how you would react ion wanna lose you" Doug says. 

Kevin then grabbed doug's chin and kissed him sweetly. Doug's heart skipped a beat and he quickly melted into the kiss both of them smiling into it. Kevin pulled away and pecked doug's lips a few times. "I love you to baby boy i have for awhile now i just didn't think you felt the same" Kevin says. 

"So i guess we both didn't know how to properly communicate huh?" Doug asks. "Let's make a new agreement to always be honest with each and communicate" Kevin says and doug nods. "I'd like that" Doug says. From that day forth the two were together and were the happiest they had been in a long time. 

Pretty trash part 1 & 2 but it's something 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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