Time waits for nobodoy

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Third person Pov

When Kevin got locked up the storm continued to get stronger it didn't seem the the sun would ever come out. Kevin of course kept a positive attitude not wanting to be locked up mentally like he was physically.

One thing he learned sitting in that cell is that the whole time he's in there the more time passes people he loves getting older and his career continuing to die and him becoming more and more irrelevant time doesn't stop.

Doug and Kevin had been best friends their whole loved before they fell in love and started dating. Doug did everything he could to keep Kevin's name alive and held on to hope that one of these days he would be a free man.

But of course things weren't getting better and Doug had no choice but to move on. Then one day Kevin was free to go but was heartbroken once he found out from friends Doug had moved on and was in a new relationship.

Doug didn't even come to see him when he got released but Kevin wasn't mad with Doug he was mad with himself for being so stupid. "Give it time and I promise you things will get better" ash says and Kevin smiles.

"Thanks for everything your the one who's really been holding it down for me" Kevin says and ash smiles. "No problem" ash says before she gets up and leaves. The first thing Kevin wanted to do was go to the studio.

He had a bunch of songs that were just needing to be recorded. Then Kevin heard a knock at his door and assumed it was either setty or camrin but then thought ash had left something and was coming back to get it.

He looked out the peephole and saw Doug standing there and groaned. Kevin just turned away from the door knowing Doug would leave eventually unless he was down to stay there all night. "I know your in there" Doug says.

Kevin continues to ignore him and goes to the kitchen ready to heat up some Mac n cheese he had gotten earlier. "Kay Kay please open the door" Doug says in a soft tone.

Kevin of course gave in and as soon as he opened it Doug was wrapping his arms around him hugging him tightly. Kevin pulled away and let Doug inside honestly wanting this 'reunion' to be over with he needed some rest.

"What do you need I was just about to go to sleep" Kevin says. "I guess that's why ash was leaving huh" Doug says with a frown and Kevin rolls his eyes. "Don't worry bout that" Kevin says not liking the vibe.

"I think you should go" Kevin says and Doug frowns. "Don't be like this you can't be mad with me for moving on I didn't know how long you were gone time waits for nobody" Doug says and Kevin let's put a chuckle.

"You think I don't know that? All I thought about the whole time I was gone was how much time had passed and how I was dying out and becoming irrelevant i guess I didn't realize I was irrelevant to you as well" Kevin says.

"But I guess your right I did the crime so I did the time now if you don't mind I would like to get some rest so you can go" Kevin says. Doug wordlessly left and felt like he could breakdown but he knew Kevin just needed time.

But time waits for nobody s d they both slowly found themselves being erased from each others lives.

Hope y'all enjoyed

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