Us time

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Ok so I just wrote this entire chapter and somehow it got deleted I'm just a little mad at wattpad right now!!😡 so I'm proving how much I really car about this story by writing it again!
Witney's pov
Me and Mark have been dating for about a month now. We are on a plane getting ready to go to Utah to meet my family. Then next week we're going to England to see where Mark grew up. We have gone to Hawaii, New York City, and Disneyland. All of them just as exciting as the last.
Mark laid his head on my shoulder.
" I love you wit so so so much"
"I love you too sleepy head"
We had another hour till we landed so we both fell asleep. We woke up just before it landed. Me and Mark walked off the plane holding hands. We got our luggage. Now all we had to do was find my family.
"Oh there they are" I said to Mark while pointing to my family
I ran over to give them all big hugs.
"Mark this is my mom, dad, Cade, Jaxon, and Camry. Family this is Mark from dancing with the stars."
"You mean your boyfriend" Cade said all lovey
"Oooooo" Jaxon said girly
"Um yeah I'm dating Mark"
There was a really awkward silence but then my dad broke it
"Ok so why don't we get your stuff in the car and go get some dinner"
"That sounds like a very good idea Mr. Carson" Mark tried to say sternly.
I chuckled at his attempt to impress my dad.
We walked to the car. I was sitting next to Mark in the back so we held hands. Mark was also sitting next to Camry.
"Hey Mark" Camry said shyly
"Hey" Mark said smiling
"Do you like to play pretend?"
"Well it depends what I'm pretending to be"
"Ok so I would be the princess and you and Witney could be the king and queen."
"Sounds cool"
They high fived and started playing. They kept trying to make me join but I told them that the queen was on a trip and wasn't at the castle.
Marks pov
We got to Witney's house and she lead me up to her room so we could put our stuff away.
"Nice room wit, the bed particularly stands out to me."
"Hilarious Mark but don't joke like that around my family they will think your being completely serious and that we're trying to have kids."
We walked downstairs.
I was really nervous that Witney's dad might not like me I mean if he doesn't like me then he wouldn't let me date Witney which would suck a lot.
I texted Witney in the car
How do I make sure that your dad likes me?
She responded
Mark just be yourself if I like you then he's bound to like you too!
We finally got to the restaurant. Me and Witney sat next to each other. We were holding hands underneath the table. While we were all eating Camry threw a huge tantrum. She was saying that Cade was bothering her but he was on the other end of the table. When we all got up to leave Camry started crying. I picked her up.
"Do princesses cry?"
"No" she said wiping away tears
"Yeah they do they just have a prince to wipe them all away"
She smiled then gave me a hug. We got back to the Carson's house and I was still holding Camry she was just now asleep. Witney showed me to her room so I could put her to sleep.
I was getting off her bed when I heard a sleepy voice,
"Yeah what's wrong Camry"
"Can you sing to me"
I sat down and started singing Miss. Incredible to her. By the end she was fast asleep. I got off her bed and in the door was Witney.
"That was sweet of you Mark"
"What was"
"Putting her to sleep, singing for her"
She started walking to our room and I followed her.
I was getting ready in the bathroom and Witney was changing in her bedroom. She walked in the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth. I went to lay down while she was still getting done. Once she was done she laid in the bed and cuddled up to me. I wrapped my arms around her.
"We should get an apartment together wit"
"Yeah that sounds great, Lindsay's moving out in a couple weeks to move in with Sam."
She turned off the light. I turned myself so I was on top of her.
"I love you baby girl"
"I love you to just not when your crushing me"
"Oh sorry wit I'll get off"
"I was just kidding Mark, stay here"
"I love this, the time when we just get to be together"
"Us time?"
"Oo yeah I like that name its cute"
"Your cute"
I leaned in to give her a passionate kiss and she kissed back.

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