Better surprise

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Idk if this will be long or short but it doesn't matter as long as it's amazing!!!😁 cheesy, I know
Witney's pov
I was feeling really sick, I don't know why though. I ate this morning but not enough that's gonna make me puke. It was Monday night so dwts was on. Me and Dylan were backstage getting ready to go on. Dylan is fine now, he realized how good Mark is and is fine with me dating him. Dylan is very funny now, his like my older brother that I never had. Mark came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Good luck baby" he said to me. Then he walked around me and gave Dylan a bro hug.
"Good luck dyl"
I pulled Mark to the side.
"What's wrong wit" he said with concern
"I don't feel good" I said holding my stomach. Mark face went from concern to shock.
"I'll be right back wit" he said running out of the room.
Marks pov
I ran into the red room. I grabbed Jenna and Lindsay and came back into the room Witney was in. When we got there Witney was in the bathroom vomiting.
"Oh my gosh wit what's wrong" Lindsay said
"I, I, I think I'm pregnant" she said back scared
I got over to her and picked her up. I carried her to a chair.
"How do you know" I asked her
"Well I've noticed all the symptoms" she answered.
"Witney have you tested" Jenna asked
"Not yet I just guessed" Witney said back.
"Well I think you should" Lindsay said
"Yeah just to make sure, after the show we'll all go to your apartment" Jenna said
"Ok sounds fine" I said agreeing.
It was Witney's turn to dance so I gave her a hug and headed to the sky box. She got done with her dance and got the judges comments. When she got up to the sky box, I gave her a huge hug.
"Even if you are pregnant I'll still be the happiest father" I whispered in her ear.
She smiled walking away.
Witney's pov
It was the end of show and I was getting nervous. Me and Mark stopped by the drug store to pick up some pregnancy tests. Then we went home. By the time we got there Lindsay and Jenna were already there. We rode the elevator up and walked to our apartment.
"Ok wit we'll wait out here for you" Mark said.
I walked into the bathroom and did the first one I waited a couple seconds.... Pregnant. I did another just to be sure... Pregnant. I was starting to freak out. I tried one last time... Pregnant. I walked out of the bathroom and ran into Marks arms. I separated and looked into his eyes.
"We're gonna have a family" I said smiling.
Mark smiled back at me and pulled me in for another hug.
"I'm so happy for you wit" he said
Lindsay and Jenna came up to me and gave me a big hug.
"Congratulations you two, I can't wait to see some beautiful children." Lindsay said.
"Ok so I think we should let you two talk for awhile about all of this. So linds you ready to go" Jenna said. And with that they left our apartment. Me and Mark sat down on the couch.
"I'm so happy wit" he said placing his head on my shoulder.
"Me too, but my parents might not be happy about this Mark, I mean we're not even engaged." I said concerned.
"My parents won't be happy either, wit. I dated Jean for a year and they said if I would have gotten her pregnant they would be pissed"
I sigh. This is going to suck, but we need to tell our parents. If my parents find out anything about me from the news before I told them they would freak. I'll call them tomorrow, I think.
"Maybe we could invited your family and my parents to come to eat with us and announce it then" Mark said
"I guess that would work" i said. I guess I fell asleep after that because I don't remember anything else.
Marks pov
The next morning I woke up Witney and told her I called her parents to meet us for dinner.
"So what did they say" she asked
"Well they said that it would be great to see Witney today"
"Exactly how are they going to get a ride from Utah to California in one day"
"Robert Herjavec." Mark said
"Ok, did you tell your parents"
"Yes I told my parents" Mark said back
Ok so tonight I was hoping to just announce Witney's pregnancy. I think I'm gonna propose to her tonight. I still need to get wit the perfect ring though. I told wit I was going out to get some stuff. She had practice today so she couldn't come with me. I decided to bring Lindsay with me because she is Witney's best friend. I picked her up from her apartment.
"Hey Lindsay"
"Hey Mark, so why are you bringing me with you today"
"Well I'm gonna get Witney's ring today I think her best friend can help me pick it out"
"Oh my gosh now I'm excited"
We got to the mall.
"Ok so we will not stop for anything, we are going to get the ring and leave, no stops in between, ok?" I said sternly
"Yeah ok what would I stop for anyway, I'm way to excited about getting the ring"
We walked into the jewelry store and this person greeted us.
"Hello welcome to Kay, what are looking for today"
I responded, "I'm looking for a wedding ring"
"Oh congratulations" she said looking at me and Lindsay.
"What oh no, not us, he uh has a girlfriend, that's um not me" Lindsay said awkwardly.
"Oh I'm so sorry" she said
Then I showed her a picture of me and Witney together. We started walking around the store, then I saw it, it was perfect, when I saw it I immediately thought of Witney. I looked over at Lindsay.
"What about that one I said pointing to it?"
"Omg it's perfect Mark, she would love it"
I pointed to the one we wanted and she got it out of the case.
"What size?" She asked
"Um-" I said before Lindsay cut me off.
"7" Lindsay said
"Ok let me go into the stock room and grab that size" she said and walked away. She came back in little time.
"Ok so with that it's going to cost $8,000"
Wow that's a lot of money, but for a life with Witney it's worth it. I got out a check and paid for it.
"Good luck sir" the lady that helped us said.
We walked out of the mall and got into the car. I drove back to dwts. I dropped Lindsay off and picked Witney up.
"So what did you and Lindsay do today" Witney said as we drove back to our place.
"Well we went to the mall, I didn't buy anything except for lunch, while she got clothes."
"Hahaha yep sounds like linds" she said laughing.
We walked into our apartment. We both changed into nicer clothes and got back into our car. We drove to the restaurant and got out of the car. I guess our families were waiting for us because they got out at the same time. we walked inside and got our seats because I reserved. We get to our huge table and all sit down. I'm sitting next to my mom and Witney.
Witney's pov
I was sitting next to Camry and Mark. I was getting nervous. I knew my parents wouldn't be happy with me. They might even make me break up with Mark. Mark leaned over and kissed my cheek,
"I love you so much Witney, and I want to live with you forever. You are perfect, your smile, your eyes, your hair, your body, your amazing dance skills, they all are just amazing to me! I love talking to you about anything, but not only that I love talking to you about our future together! And I've decided that I want to start that future." He gets down on one knee. " Witney, will you marry me?"
I stand up. "Yes yes yes... A million times yes"
He gets up and pulls me into a hug. He sets me down and gives me a kiss. Then puts the ring on my finger. Everyone was clapping for us.
"So while we're up we have another thing to announce" Mark said looking at me
"Go ahead wit tell them"
"Ok, I'm pregnant" I said excited

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