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Is it bad that I'm really sad that school is over?
Witney's pov
So after the last 2 days me and Mark have had a lot of fun. I've seen so much more of California. Now it's time for me to meet his mom. I'm really nervous his mom means a lot to Mark and I'm scared that she won't like me.
I woke up in Marks arms as always. Both of our phones were charging on Marks night stand. Mine doesn't have an outlet close enough. I heard my phone get a text. I didn't want to wake Mark but I also didn't want to get out of bed. I started to push myself up and across him without touching him too much. Right when I picked up my arm to grab my phone I fell on top of him. He immediately woke up.
Marks pov
I was awakened by someone falling on me. I woke up and looked to see who was on top of me. Then I saw Witney just there on my chest smiling all cheesy.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you"
"Its fine wit, just why are you on top of me?"
"Well I was trying to get my phone because I heard it ring... And I didn't want to get out of bed then one thing lead to another and now we're here"
I smiled and laughed
"So are you as excited to see my mom as I am"
"Um to be honest Mark I'm actually really nervous, I know how much she means to you."
"Don't worry wit, she's only hated one girl I ever brought home."
"Was it Jean?"
"Um no she really liked Jean"
"Mark that's not good, I'm like the complete opposite of Jean"
"Witney even if she doesn't like you I won't care, there's nothing and nobody that will separate us"
"Ok I guess your right" she said leaning in
I also started leaning in. Then our lips touched, I always felt so good when I kissed her. My heart still fluters when I kiss her.
"We should get up I told my mom that we would meet her at 1 for lunch"
"Mark it's only 10:15 calm down we have plenty of time"
"Well if we want to eat, go on our walk, both of us take a shower, and get dressed then we probably should start now."
"Ok" Witney said sounding defeated.
Me and Witney got out of the bed. We walked to our kitchen and I started making breakfast while she sat on the couch and watched tv.
"Hey wit I thought the girl did the cooking" I said laughing
"Ugh I already told you Mark I suck at cooking and you love to cook. It's one of those British things"
"Witney Carson I am offended that you just said that"
"Whatever" she said laughing. I started walking over to her slowly so she didn't hear me. Then I jumped around the back of the couch and landed right on her.
"Whatever little missy" I said tickling her stomach. Witney couldn't resist laughing when someone tickled her stomach.
"Mark stop you know that's my weak spot" she said through the laughter. I stopped after about a minute she said that. I kissed her on the cheek.
"I was just kidding I love to make breakfast for my girl every morning"
I got up and started making waffles. (The word waffles makes me laugh for some random reason😂)
When I finished I got a call from my mom. I answered it.
"Hey mom"
"Hey Mark, I know this is late announcement but I can't go out to lunch today"
"Oh why"
"Well my car broke down"
"Aw well I really wanted you to meet Witney today"
"I know I wanted to also"
"You could come over to our apartment and have lunch"
"Exactly how could I get there"
"There's a bus stop right outside our place. You could be here at 1"
"Yeah Mark that sounds great"
"See ya later mom, I love you"
"Love you too Mark"
I hung up. I looked over at Witney.
"So your mom is coming over today"
"Yeah her car broke down"
I walked to sit next to her and finish my food. "We should start that walk" I said
"Ok let me go change"
Witney came back out in running shorts and a t-shirt. I was gonna stay in my sweat pants and t-shirt. We walked out the door. It was a 1.5 mile walk to the beach and then we had to walk back so we got 3 miles in everyday. Which was really good since our legs need stretching and strength. We talked all the way to the beach.
"Wow the beach looks really beautiful today" she said in awe
"Not at beautiful as you" I responded
She looked into my eyes. Then she started running back down the street.
"LAST ONE BACK HAS THE COLD SHOWER" I heard her scream. I started sprinting. Our water is only warm for the first shower the second one is freezing cold. We usually go back and forth on who gets stuck with it. But sometimes we compete for it, like now. Witney was a fast runner it wasn't really fair. By the time I got there she was already in the apartment. I walked my way in to the elevator. I pressed the button to go to floor 5. I got there and made my way to our place. When I walked in Witney's clothes were thrown on the floor going into the bathroom. I picked them all up and put them in the hamper. I laid down on the bed, I was freakin exhausted from that run. After about 10 minutes of me laying there, Witney came out wrapped in a towel.
"Hey bathrooms all yours" she said laughing
"Haha hilarious" I said sarcastically
I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower. It was cold as always. Once I was done I got out and started getting dressed. When I was dressed I went back in the bathroom to do my hair. Witney came in not much later to start her doing her makeup. It was already 12:30! Wow the time went by really fast. Witney came out of the bathroom at 12:45. She sat down next to me on the couch. I was about to kiss her when I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go get it. I opened it.
"Hey mom" I said holding out my arms for a hug. I heard Witney coming over near us.
Witney's pov
I heard Mark talking to his mom so I got up.
"Hello Mrs. Ballas" I said
"Oh Witney just call me Shirley" she said smiling and coming in for a hug. Mark motioned for her to come inside.
"Make yourself comfortable mom" Mark said while both of us return to our positions on the couch.
"Can I just say I'm so happy Mark finally picked you Witney" Shirley said to me. I smiled at that.
"Me too" I responded
"Derek told me before you two were official that Mark liked you a lot, he-" she said before Mark cut her off
"Mom!... Witney doesn't want to hear all that" he said with him cheeks red.
"Mark there's no need to be embarrassed in front of your girlfriend, you 2 have been dating for 6 months, she obviously likes you"
I started laughing
"Yeah Mark no need to be embarrassed, except for when I beat you this morning, that you should be sad about" I said
"What happened this morning?"
"Nothing hap-" Mark said but I cut him off
"I beat him in a race so I got the warm shower"
"I'm gonna go start making food" Mark said getting up.
"So Witney where did you grow up"
Me and Shirley talked the whole time until Mark said that food was ready. we sat down at the table and started eating.
"Mark this is very good, I've never tasted food that you've made that was good" Shirley said.
"Wow thanks mom" Mark said sarcastically
"really, most of the time Mark makes wonderful food." I said
"Mark you must really like this girl if all your food is good"
"Mom please stop" he said getting red in the cheeks again
At about 2:45 Shirley left.
"It was nice to have lunch with you guys" she said
"Bye mom" Mark said hugging her
I also hugged her. In the hug she whispered to me. "I hope you 2 stay together forever. You make a lovely couple and would have beautiful children." I whispered back to her "thanks I think we both plan on it!"

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