when can i catch a goddamn break? | chap. 1

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*Authors note as the bottom of this chapter if you're interested!

"You ungrateful bloody WHORE!" A British accent spat out towards a boy a bit taller than him. The boy now angrily stepped outside the walls of his childhood bedroom and into the massively long hallway. Now walking away, the voice continued.

"AMERICA! You listen to me this instant! You have NO right to ignore me like this! Especially after all of the RUBBISH you have done here!" The British man followed the American, who had now stopped dead in his tracks.

"Well, I'M SORRY I don't want to speak about my PERSONAL life with YOU! I ain't a kid anymore pa! I got my own FREEDOMS and can take care of myself thank you very much!" The American spat back, spinning on his heel to now face the brit. America made sure to emphasize the "Freedoms'' part of what he just said, seeing his father's face turn from sour to pure hatred. Britain knew what his eldest son was doing, and it was working.

Ever since America, the eldest son of Britain and France, decided to stop by the lovely house of Buckingham Palace with his brother, it's been nothing but arguing between the father-son duo. France and Canada being poor bystanders to their arguments have gotten used to the tough two weeks that the American has stayed. The mother-son duo always having a cup of tea, turning the arguments into a game of who would win it this time. So far, Canada has always won their games with America winning most arguments.

"Well, my apologies for being a good father and caring for my son. I'm just concerned about what you're doing under my roof-" Britain was rudely cut off by America, who held out his hand to make it seem like it was speaking.

"Emimimimimi, oh, you hear that? That's all the nonsense I'm hearin' right now. Poor old man, ain't all the talking tiring for you? Go make yourself a cup of tea and talk with your favorite child, before I mention what happened those oh-so-fateful years ago in Boston.."

America said towards his father, putting down his hand and crossing his arms. He glared at the man from behind his sunglasses, knowing Britain couldn't see his eyes, but still doing so. He shifted his body weight onto his left leg as he looked over at his father smugly, the biggest most egotistical smirk crossing his face, as he waited for a response from the older.

"You ungrateful twat! After all, I've done for you and this is how you treat me? What about your bloody mother? You and your bonkers actions are tainting our family name! Do you think about anyone but yourself? What about your brothers, huh? You stupid twat."

Britain spews out, his words laced with poison. What Britain said to his oldest, felt like a stab through the chest, it reminded him of when he was still a young boy getting scolded for doing the tiniest thing "wrong." Never understanding what he did wrong in the first place, nor ever getting any type of explanation.

"Don't you bring our family into this, THIS is between US! No one else!" America's smirk was wiped off his face, he was now as angry as his father. He shifted his body weight to his other leg, hands now in the pockets of his favorite zipper-up hoodie fidgeting with the pair of wired earbuds that resided there.

"Oh I'll bring MY family into this, after all, you're the one risking our reputation! What if someone saw you, huh? The controversy? The allegations? If anything I deserve a bloody apology!" The Brit said, cockiness and pride in his words. Oh, Britain thought he won this argument but America wouldn't allow that to happen in a million years.

America took out his wired earbuds from his pocket, which were incredibly tangled, and his phone. He plugged the earbuds into his phone. Unlocking it, the low battery notification popped up, quickly clicking the low battery mode to get rid of the pop-up. He opens his music app and shuffles his favorite playlist. Van Halen's Mean Street started playing as America put both of the buds in his ears, turning the volume all the way up and tightening the grip on his phone. Britain looked at him in confusion at his eldest son's actions.

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