change of subject | chap. 3

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The American hesitated on what he was going to say next. The question his mother had just asked him was a pretty valid one he had to admit, but he didn't want to admit that. He had to think of some kind of excuse right on the spot, which is something America was not good at without it sounding like utter bullshit.

The first thought that came to his heads were about his kids, he doesn't know why but they could work. Everyone knows that his kids were a chaotic insane mess, could make a great excuse. He opened his mouth to speak, as his mother and brother watched on in curiosity.

"No, it's not about dad. Something.. came up with states and I have to go and help them out. Sounds pretty urgent, so, I'd like to go help them out as best I can y'know?" America fixed his posture and his speech patterns, that's usually how he lies. He felt Canada's cold gaze on the back of his neck, watching his older brother for any slip-up. In reality, everyone knew the real truth and that he was lying. They could admit however, that it was one of the better lies America has told someone.

"You should show your eyes more often, you got the eyes of your father. One a beautiful blue, and the other a nice amber red.." This caused America to smile at the kind words of his mother. His father has really pretty blue eyes, and his mother has equally as beautiful amber eyes. And what luck he gets both of them? And compared to his super pale skin, it made the country stand out like a sore thumb. But despite that, people admired him like a freshly cut diamond.

"Ma... you don't have to compliment me like that. But thank you.." America was taken a back but the random compliment from his mother, but he could only assume it's to deescalate the conversation.

"But of course! I implore you to go help your children! When will you be leaving?" France would add, going along with the Americans lie.

"Tonight, right after dinner is the plan. Just hope nothing goes wrong.. Haha." America says, it totally slipped passed him the fact that he hadn't called the pilot he uses for travel between the U.K and the U.S.A., well, maybe if his phone hadn't died so fucking fast. He heard Canada's finger tapping the table, mimicking some kind of popular Canadian song. They then made eye contact, and his younger brother opened his mouth to speak.

"So, which of the states needs help this time? Better not be one of the states I used to watch over, I taught them well." Canada would smile at the last thing he said, taking pride in the time he spent with the states that bordered his country.

"Oh, no, they've been doing better recently. The Dakotas have been updating about everything that group does. It's surprisingly the midwestern states, although they didn't elaborate on what they need help with.. I can only assume." This caused the entire table to chuckle at that statement. Everyone liked America's kids, probably more than they liked America.

His 50 states, his pride and joy. You could consider 51 even as America used to be a foster parent for West Germany during the second world war and his two adopted states, Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska originally being Russian and Hawai'i being Polynesian, but America still loved them all equally.

"How are my favorite states doing Amérique? Good I hope? Oh! What about the twins?!" France got very excited talking about America's kids. Her favorite out of all of her sons' states were the twins, North and South Carolina. She loved the 13 colonies with all her heart, which made America be reminded of some dark times but that's honestly okay.

"They've also been doing pretty good, ma. Nothing really new is happening, but it's better than something. Usually when something happens over there that I hear about is just bad." America would add, laughing at his own comment.

"Let's be honest Ame, all your kids are troublemakers. When is something not happening with your states?" Canada added, snarky bastard.

"What about your providences, Cana? What's been happening up there.. Pal?" America shot back, causing France to burst out in a fit of laughter at her two sons' conversation.

"First of all, that was a shitty Canadian impression. Second, fine thanks for asking. Far more behaved than your kids could ever be, no wonder all your states that border Canada turned out so well." A prideful look grew on Canada's face, France still laughing her ass off.

"Thank you for complimenting my impression, Cana.. it means so much to me, man. Also maybe they behave better because you don't have 50 kids! Fuck man, I even had 51 at one point! You got, like what, 13?" America would have to admit, 50 damn kids is no joke. Especially fostering a foreign kid that knew absolutely no English! Only good thing that came out of that experience was that America became somewhat decent at German and understanding it, but of course, he also loved spending time with the young German and so did his kids.

"13 is your number, man, it's actually 10.. or 11... I honestly can't remember." A nervous chuckle came out of the younger countries mouth at the 13 comment just said. Either going to go very well or very bad, depending on the older one's mood. France gave a light slap on America's forearm for swearing, which in reality a light slap was a normal slap. America rubbed his arm slightly and stared into his younger brother's soul.

"Now, now, garçons.. Let us not do anything we will regret." The French women stated sternly.

America and Canada made such intense eye contact, it made France continue to look between the two. She began to wonder if they even heard the thing she just said. America stopped rubbing his forearm and made a quick glance down to something in front of Canada. And before the mother son duo knew, America had snatched up one of the treats Canada had on his plate and ate it in one swift bite.

"Asshole." Canada would say, smirking at the childish action his brother had just done. America smiled as well, sticking his tongue out playfully at the younger. France let out a sigh and relaxed seeing the playful mannerisms, watching America open his mouth again to speak.

"You love me, anyways, I am going to go back to my room and change. Don't die Canada, be a shame if you missed dinner!" The American quickly stood up and pushed in the garden chair he previously sat in, grabbing his iconic sunglasses and putting them lazily on his face that still showed his eyes. Shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets, America looked between the pair and smiled waiting for a response.

"Bye Ame, hope you don't step on a bear trap." Canada would speak first, matching the playful energy the America was displaying.

"Au revoir Amérique, we will see you at dinner. Don't be late, I want to hear more about your kids." France would say with enthusiasm. Causing her eldest son to let out a small laugh as he began to walk back towards the palace, waving his hand at them while he had his back towards them. France and Canada went back to their conversation as America walked back into the palace.

Shorter chapter sorry!

but i will be updating until i have no more chapters in the draft lol

i hope ur enjoying so far:)

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