father-son discussions | chap. 4

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America quickly walked back down the direction he previously went and found the stairs with ease, walking up them with a quicker pace than before. When he was half way up the stairs, he heard the familiar clacking on the ground and stopped dead in his tracks. He doesn't know why he did, but his body stopped without him wanting it to. He then heard a British accent echo through the palace aimed towards him.

"Aw, America please, may we speak for a second?" America would turn around to see his father slowly making his way to the bottom of the stairs, looking up at his son through his monocle. Britain had suffered a lot through the years, being through so many wars had done the old country horribly.

He had a permanent limp and the need for a cane during World War 1, and became partially blind in his right eye. And because he only has one eye, and because Britain is a true Englishman, he found the need for a monocle over glasses to be more useful. Not to mention all the issues you get when you're old, the man is a practical walking functioning corpse.

America would slowly turn around, pushing his glasses up to cover his eyes. He would look down the stairs, and silently swear under his breath as he made the journey back down. Was he nervous? Fuck yea. Did he want to go keel over and die? Also yes. He can only imagine what his father was going to say, either another lecture or a half assed apology and his money was on the apology.

"What's.. What's up, papa?" America would say as his feet reached the bottom of the stairs, taking a small jump to land on the floor in front of his father. He looked his father up and down, yep, he looked the same as always.

Except he can notice that his dads leg was doing worse than usual as he put most of his weight on the better, working leg. As Britain adjusted his monocle he would sigh, opening his mouth again to talk to his American son.

"I heard what you have done from the maids," Britain would pause to look at his son. America would have to hold back a laugh, as the memory of him tripping that group of old maids replayed in his head. Britain would let out a small "ahem," which caused America to tense up again and look back at his father.

"Ahem, anyways, I'm not here to talk about that. Please, let us take a walk? I promise you, this won't lead to any miniscule argument. This conversation has meaning, just please, give me some time." The old British man would state, looking at his son for any kind of approval. He would hope this wouldn't last long, as his body began to ache.

America would notice his fathers discomfort and sigh, giving a quick nod as he stepped right beside his father. They began to walk, tension growing around the pair.

"So, papa, what do you uh.. Wanna discuss about.. Hope it ain't nothing that important.." America would blurt out, matching his fathers slow walking pace. One hand rested in the pocket where his phone resided, and the other was out just in case his father needed help. Yea, they're relationship was strained but America wasn't that cruel.

"Well, if you must know, it's about your stay here. Your stay here entirely, in fact." The British man sighs as the words leave his mouth. America's face contorted in fear and uncertainty, he can even feel himself begin to sweat a bit. No way he was getting kicked out, right? He would hear his father let out a slight cough before continuing speaking, not noticing his son's change in demeanor.

"It's nothing bad, believe me. The entirety you have stayed here, it has been rough on the both of us. You must know, with all of our consistent fighting and arguments and... such..." Britain began to cough a bit, causing America to put his free hand on the space of his fathers back.

"Whoa, papa, let's take it easy yea? Why don't we finish this conversation... sitting down? It'll be better for the best of us.. Haha.." A nervous laughter came from the younger countries lips as he suggested that to his father. The older country gave a quick nod as a smirk grew on his face.

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