meeting time! | chap. 9

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*yikes sorry this was late by like a day lol

America's eyes slowly fluttered open, he didn't know for how long he slept but god was it a good ass nap.. or sleep. He took his sweet time waking himself up, taking in the surroundings and realizing he was still on the plane. He blinked slowly as he turned his head towards the window seeing the bright sun shining outside.

America covered his face, specifically his eyes, as he reached desperately for his sunglasses. Maybe its sun sensitivity or just because his eyes are, well, his eyes. It took some time but once the familiar glasses found their place on his face, he looked outside again. He is now back in the United States of America, and should be landing soon. Hopefully!

He'd groan and stretch as he saw the "fasten your seatbelt" sign vaguely light up. He quickly did so and took another look at his phone, with nothing new or interesting. Although Illinois and Indiana had messaged him, he would respond later when he was not as occupied. Nothing new with Russia or his brothers, or any other country. It seems like when America gets back he will only have to deal with his responsibilities then go the fuck to sleep.

The country would take another big stretch as he relaxed into his seat more. Just waiting patiently for the plane to land, or begin to start landing. Because America was America, he didn't usually follow normal airplane rules. Minute that goddamn plane hit the ground he was out of his seat grabbing his things. And because he IS America he can do that, not like there is anyone on this plane to tell him no anyway. Not like they'd have the balls to say that to his face.

In all honesty, America spaced out until he felt the tires of the plane hit the ground. It was very bumpy, but he knew that wasn't Privates fault. He unfastened his seatbelt and got up to retrieve his backups that were sitting overhead. Sliding them both over his shoulders and grabbing his favorite duffle bag, he double checked to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything. He slid his phone into his pocket with the wired earbuds and was ready to go. Waiting patiently for the plane to come to a complete stop before making his merry way to the door of the plane. He held onto the area where you place your bags overhead just for a little more stability so he doesn't fly forward and bruise his perfect body anymore then it already has been.

The plane bounced a little bit as it went down the runway, making America jump a little bit with it. His eyes would widen a slight bit at the sudden movement, making him just the tiniest bit more awake. He could feel the plane drive itself down the runway now as it started to slow down at the speed planes usually do. The aircraft took no time at all to come to a complete stop that caused the country to once again get jolted forward.

Good for him he held on tight to the overhead storage because he would have fallen flat on his face if he didn't. He steadied his footing as he began walking to the door. As he was almost at the door he saw the familiar figure of his pilot walking out of the cockpit. America smiled at him brightly as Private opened the door, the crew below already putting in the stairs so they can both descend down.

America made his way down sleepily but happily. Smiling at all of the crew as they gave him their professional greetings. Private walked right behind him before stopping to talk with some of the crew, probably on some professional stuff that didn't concern America so he continued walking until some military men joined his side to guide him where to go. The soldiers were able to read their boss's mood and decided to stay quietly, with only small and simple commands to guide him on where he should be heading.

He can spot a car in the distance that he hoped would take him back home. Once they reached it, the soldier on his left opened the door for him as he slid his way inside. The two soldiers followed him into the back as they talked with the driver. The car was usually used for presidents to keep them extra safe when going out for drives. Spacious, kind of cozy. One of the soldiers turned to America and told him a simple report on what happened while he was gone.

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