speak of the devil! | chap. 6

70 4 2

*tiny authors note if you're interested

America quickly gathered anything else he had brought with him and shoved them into the duffle bag. Trinkets, souvenirs, etc. were shoved into the bag without any care with the rest of the Americans items. Unplugging the phone charger he brought with him and also throwing it with the rest of his items before zippering the rest up.

He'd look down at his phone, scrolling through the many notifications he had gotten in the time frame his phone had been dead.

"Emails, spam emails, more spam. Are any of these emails important? And god, when did I become so popular? All these damn group chats I don't even remember being a part of." America eyed every notification with precision, trying to scope out anything important. He would sigh in relief realizing he has gotten no important emails from either other countries or personnel back in D.C.

He would then go to his messaging app, and began to look through all of the group chats and texts he had gotten. Nothing worth opening, besides the group chat a quick skim through the group chat with his brothers and maybe the "friend group group chat of U.N.'' Taking a quick look, he saw nothing important. Each group chat was just discussing the upcoming meeting like they have nothing better going on, his brothers having a bit of meaningful conversations in between the discussion.

The friend group chat was a different story, as there was not only the topic of the upcoming meeting but also so much arguing it made America laugh a lot. The group chat in total was about 10 people and was mostly Eastern European countries. How did America and Canada get in such a group chat when they were so not European in the slightest? He doesn't even know, but he won't question it!

The countries were obviously America and Canada, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia. Canada got in because of Ukraine, the amount of times he had heard that story from his brother was insane, and by proxy America was also accepted into it.

With many protests, Ukraine added him saying something along the lines of "Russia fucking hates him, so it'll be funny if he's in here and they argue a lot." To which, everyone agreed and accepted him.

Skimming through it, he saw many arguments in the country's respective native language. Poland and Hungary were conversing on the side, as they both knew each other's language by heart, while Ukraine and Russia were arguing once again. Everyone else, besides America and Canada, were watching this unfold and making side comments in their language. Some laughing, some commenting on it, some trying to keep peace, but the two siblings didn't pay any attention to them as the fight continued on.

America chuckled, clicking the much needed translation button to read what they were arguing about. It was something that really did not concern him, nor did he really care, but it was some kind of entertainment since Canada went and abandoned him just like that. Not even a goodbye or anything!

He looked through the chat, seeing it was some family shit the sibling pair were arguing about. Something about their dick of a father, daddies' boy and the sibling who hates him. Love to see it, as he always did about once a week in this group chat.

Poland and Hungary were just making fun of the dead communist, really, no one liked Ukraine's and Russia's dead father. The other countries seemed to have and tried to say something to stop the two from fighting, but gave up very shortly after and began to join Poland and Hungary's teasing.

America noticed shortly after that two of the countries were online and actively typing, Slovakia and Russia. He did not want any part of it, so he quickly closed out of the app. No message from the pilot or anyone else, so he decided to read the U.S news while he waited maybe another 30 minutes for a palace worker to come get him for dinner with the family!

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