leaving on a sour note | chap.7

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*authors note if you're interested!

The awkward silence was broken every few seconds with the clack of Britain's cane on the ground, as the couple slowly made their way to the table. France pulled out her husbands chair to make it easier for him to sit down, as American and Canada watched intently. He rested his cane against the other vacant chair right next to him, as the couple got situated.

"Bonjour you two." France would say to her two children, smiling at them both brightly. They both said their greetings back, aimed at both the parents, as they waited for food to be served. It was very awkward with no side conversation happening at all.

"Ahem.." Someone at the table said, although America could not say who. He has been staring at the empty plate in front of him for some time to try and avoid eye contact and small talk. He wanted to talk more to his brother about what they just said but he doesn't want that in front of his parents. Because they are going to push and press him for more details that he doesn't want to share and frantically doesn't have.

"Oh my god you're talking with a boy?" "Whats new? Whos the unlucky soul this time?" "You're such a heart breaker!" Were the thoughts that rang through his head, he sighed quietly before hearing another loud "AHEM!" causing him to look up at the source of this noise, which America soon came to realize it was his father.

"Spacing out again, hm?" Britain asked his eldest son, causing America to look at him in embarrassment. He gave a quick nod to his fathers question, causing the entire table to chuckle.

"We're having such a lovely conversation, would you care to get out of your head and join us America?" Britain would ask his son again, waiting for a response. America would give another quick nod before straitening himself out, making eye contact with his father. He stared at his fathers eye behind the monocle, studying it ever so slightly.

"Anyways, you were saying Canada? Please, continue."

"Oh yea, so like I was saying, me and my buddy were basically just stalking this huge moose. I'm talking 6 foot, probably around thousand pound kind of moose." Canada talked with passion and enthusiasm as he spoke about his last hunting trip, how this conversation came up America didn't know. He was just waiting patiently waiting for the food as his brother continued to speak.

"Oh, really? Are moose usually that big Cana? You're speaking as if moose that big aren't common at all!" France added, obviously very curious at her sons hobbies.

"That's usually a full grown moose, but they can get a lot more heavy. Like, up to 1,400 pounds at maximum so you could consider this moose to be a little on the skinnier side. But, it's still shocking to see moose like that."

"Is moose hunting legal in Canada?" America asked as many workers came in to lay out their dinner.

"Oh, yea, you just need a big game license to hunt for it. I love hunting so it's obvious I own it. I'm also Canada so, yea." Canada added, stopping himself as he watched all the food be placed out in front of the siblings. Both of them waiting patiently for their father to take his share of food first before taking their own.

It didn't take long, because France was helping him, but once the old married couple got their share America and Canada spent no time to grab the food they wanted. America and Canada grabbed the same thing basically, a main meat dish with some other sides like bread, with Canada grabbing some kind of vegetable that America gave a tasteful side-eye before digging into his food.

"Like I was saying, me and my buddy are basically stalking this moose basically on it's trail. It doesn't even suspect a thing as we are basically getting ready to shoot it dead. But then, right as my buddy was about to get the wining shot, I guess some tourists came through and scared it off! They were so loud not only did is startle the moose, but it scared me and my buddy as well!" Canada said, him and his mother laughing at their conversation. Both America and Britain gave a smirk at the current conversation as they slowly ate their own food.

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