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"I know what you're thinking..how is college Calum? Is it the same as high school? No, Clum Clum warriors! It's not. College is way more fun, and I bet ya' you can ask anyone who's in college, and they'll say the same"

Calum quickly turned to the clock, and saw what time it was. He turned back to his camera, and pouted.

"I'm sorry, guys...I have to go to my classssss! but see you later! love you" he blew a kiss in the air, and turned the Sony video camera off.

He was already dressed, so he walked out his dorm room, and went to class.

"Does anyone know what is the last name of the Cuban leader whom Fidel Castro overthrew?" The professor asked. "Anybody?"

No one answered the professor. Coughs were thrown across the room, as well as glances.

The professor cleared his throat. "It was Mr. Fulgencio Batista"

"I knew that" Someone mumbled.

The professor went on with his lesson and...

Luke sighed happily as he looked up at the school building.

He looked back, and raised his eyebrow at his family.

"Umm, today!" Luke sassed.

"LUCAS! YOU AREN'T HELPING. But since you graduated with a 3.8 GPA, I'll let you slide" His mom bleated.

"Yeah, you better"

"Dude..." Ben warned.

"I'm just kidding"

His mom started to tear up.

"Oh, mom. Come here" Luke spread his arms out for his mom.

"Family bonding, gross. But m'gonna miss you bro" Jack rolled his eyes.

"Yeah..." Ben agreed.

Luke smiled at his family, and everyone joined in on the hug.

They walked into the main office, and saw busy students and administrators.

"Welcome to Cornell University, I hope you don't regret your decision on applying here" A lady smiled.

"Maybe we will. Do you know how much it costs a year? Especially out of state fees!" Andrew chided.

Luke glared at his father, and turned back to the lady.

"Umm, name?"



"Oh, just Luke..."

"Follow me to your dorm"

His family followed the lady, and they admired the school as they walked.

"You will love it here, I promise. Room 403. Here's your key, and your schedule, you created." She walked away, leaving Luke and his family.

"Ugh, roommates are the worst" Jack noted.

Luke put his suitcase on the free bed, and started to unpack.

"Will you guys make it back home okay?" Luke asked.

"Yeah we'll be fine. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay, mom" Luke smiled.

"Call if you need anything. Don't hesitate, baby" His mom kissed his forehead.

They hugged one last time, and they left the bags, and left him.

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