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Luke and Calum were just gazing into each other's eyes....again.

They had just woken up, and the sunlight peeked thru their curtains.

Luke was softly combing through Calum's hair, as he purred.

"Good morning" Calum croaked.

"Cal. We've been up for at least 12 minutes," Luke rolled his eyes playfully. "You feelin' any better?"

Calum hummed silently, and closed his eyes.

"You know what you need to do, Calum.."


"You know what I'm talking about" Luke argued softly.

"I don't recall" Calum opened his eyes, searching for the blue of Luke's eyes.


"I'm going to take a shower.." Calum removed himself from Luke's protective arms.

He walked out of Luke's room and went into his own.

"Do any of you guys know why Calum was crying yesterday? Michael??" Luke questioned helpless.

"Dude it's in the past, just drop it" Justin ended.

Lina sighed, and face palmed. "Justin...Luke, don't go off on him. He's never experienced caring about someone"

Luke glared at Justin as he walked into the kitchen to get an apple.

A few minutes later Calum walked out and went into the living room with Michael and Lina.

"Cal" Luke spoke from the kitchen.


"Come here" Luke asserted.

Calum walked into the kitchen, and Luke pinned him against the counter.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.


"Calum. Stop it. If you tell me what's wrong I'll leave you alone"

"Okay," Calum frowned. "Not here"


Calum grabbed Luke's hand and they went up stairs, and went out to the balcony.

"When I fell into the water...I realized how short life is. How anything can happen to you in an instant. I still haven't talked to my sister in years. We've drifted apart, we barely call. If we do, we leave on a sour note. I-I just don't want to die and not be able to relate to her, or love her anymore, and fix the problem we have" Calum had tears pouring on of his face.

Luke hugged the frail smaller boy (It was smalla than a bug). "Shh, come on, Cal. I can help you and your sister get on good notes again if you want"

Calum shook his head. "I don't want your help. Even so, she's too busy. She's living it up in Hawaii. She's really big there"

"If you need anything, or need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay?"

Calum nodded into Luke's chest.

"AYYYYYEEEEE" Michael yelled through the house.

"I love that kid" Lina laughed.

"Who doesn't?" Calum smiled sweetly.

"Okay" Luke clapped his hands.

"What bitch?" Michael snapped.

Everyone laughed.

"Guys. Don't laugh at whatever Michael says, because it's irrelevant, and stupid" Luke had a stick in his hand.

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