five months later

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How has it been
Five whole months
Since you've been gone
And it still feels like the blink of an eye

They say it gets better over time
But I don't think it does
I just think I'm getting better
At hiding it
So people don't ask as many questions
As they did in the first few weeks

I'm in a fake reality
Walking through fog that keeps me pinned
Occasionally I see the glow of lights
Faded colours here and there
But then it returns to the fog
The grey mass that encompasses everything
And I'm stuck in it
Against my will

People say I'll see the sun again
But I'm not sure I want to
What's the point
When you don't get to see it anymore
Why am I so special
I don't deserve to see it
If you don't get to

If a genie popped up out of a dusty old lamp
And gave me three wishes
All of them would be
To get you back
To turn back time
To make it all right again

But genies don't exist
And I don't have any lamps
And I keep thinking that I should take up an old vice of yours
But I think I'll be embarrassed getting carded
I have to smile
Speak when spoken to
Pretend I know how to function
When I don't know what I'm even doing
Make an appearance at work and dinner
And it hurts too much to cry
So I just stare at the wall until exhaustion takes over me

It's been five whole months
And yet
I know nothing of how you were taken
Like I did a week after it happened
I know no more now

And goddammit
Everything in the world is a reminder
That I'm walking through a sick dream
Nightmare fuel
I can't wake up from

For fuck sake
When does it stop

When do you come back

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