7 months later

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How the hell has it been over half a year
That doesn't seem right
Does it
That's a load of crap
It has to be

It's raining today
Shitty weather you'd call it
Good for nothing much

My brain keeps tricking itself
You're off someplace
But you'll be back soon
I feel like a broken record saying that
You need to be back soon
Because I can't accept
Your vacancy
Your absence
Your disappearance
Because it still doesn't feel real

I hate this limbo
This false reality
When is the ground going to fall out from jnder me
When is this all going to end
When is somebody gonna hit the reset button
On this video game we're all playing

I miss you
I just want you to come back
Walk back through those doors
Say you just needed a break away from everybody and everything
And shrug
I'd be mad
But I wouldn't hold it against you
Because then I'd have my brother back
Even though he made everybody worry
For seven months

I miss you a lot
I wish you'd come home
Because I want to see you again

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